7 Sinners

2010年10月27日 ( HD )
1. Where The Sinners Go / 2. Are You Metal ? / 3. Who Is Mr. Madman ? / 4. Raise The Noise / 5. World Of Fantasy / 6. Long Live The King / 7. The Smile Of The Sun / 8. You Stupid Mankind / 9. If A Mountain Could Talk / 10. The Sage, The Fool, The Sinner / 11. My Sacrifice / 12. Not Yet Today / 13. Far In The Future


2009年12月23日 ( HD )
1. Dr. Stein / 2. Future World / 3. If I Could Fly / 4. Where The Rain Grows / 5. The Keeper's Trilogy ( Halloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - The King For A 1000 Years ) / 6. Eagle Fly Free / 7. Perfect Gentleman / 8. Forever And One / 9. I Want Out / 10. Fallen To Pieces / 11. A Tale That Wasn't Right

Gambling With The Devil

2007年10月24日 ( HD )

1. Crack The Riddle ( Intro ) / 2. Kill It / 3. The Saints / 4. As Long As I Fall / 5. Paint A New World / 6. Final Fortune / 7. The Beels Of The Seven Hells / 8. Fallen To Pieces / 9. I.M.E. / 10. Can Do It / 11. Dreambound / 12. Heaven Tells No Lies


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最終更新:2010年10月31日 17:43