How to generate site map quickly and efficiently?

Sitemap for website?
It shows a hierarchical map of the websites layout enabling site visitors to see where each of the pages on the site is located. However,when you hear references to sitemaps in relation to the search engines it is generally the coded type that is being referred to. They are designed to be ready by the search engines and are produced entirely in a form of code know as XML. Much like the sitemap just described, it provides the search engine with information on the structure of the website. It tells them how the pages are linked and shows the priority of the pages in relation to each other. It can also contain important information such as how often the page is updated and should be searched. On the whole, a sitemap is an introduction and detailed description of your website, not only the structure, but also the coverage of the content.

Are sitemaps essential?
For some types of website if you don't have a sitemap then the search engines will only be able to list your home page and not the rest of the website. If your website is built in a format called Flash, then the search engines will not be able to read the content of your pages. This is because at the moment search engines cannot see anything created in Flash. Therefore any links and pages created in this format would not be found by the search engines.
How to generate site map?
A site map is written in a code format called XML, it is recognised by all the main search engines and is the preferred format for all site maps. Before XML sitemaps were first developed you would have to manually submit your site to the search engines by filling out a form. But with a site map creator this is no longer necessary as it is automatically attached to the code of your website making it easily found. However the term "Submitting your site" is still used as you can still submit the site to be crawled more often.
When website designers create a website they generally create a sitemap at the same time and attach it to the site. You can also get sitemap creators that will build Google site map for you. Some website builders have an automatic sitemap builder embedded into their system. That way every time you create or delete a page the sitemap is automatically updated.


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最終更新:2012年03月14日 11:46