Dionne Warwick

「Dionne Warwick」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Dionne Warwick」(2011/01/02 (日) 23:02:54) の最新版変更点



http://www.dionnewarwick.info/ ---- #contents ---- **Why We Sing #image() 2008/4/1 1. Battle Hymn Of The Republic 2. I'm Going Up [ featuring [[Bebe Winans]] ] 3. With All My Heart 4. Old Landmark 5. The World Needs Jesus 6. I Lift My Heart 7. Jesus Loves Me 8. Show Me The Way 9. Why We Sing [ featuring [[Dee Dee Warrick]] ] 10. Rise, Shine And Give God 11. The Glory 12. The Lord Is My Shepherd 13. Seven [ featuring [[David Elliott]] ] ----
http://www.dionnewarwick.info/ ---- #contents ---- **Why We Sing #image(cd-WhyWeSing.jpg,left) 2008年4月1日 1. Battle Hymn Of The Republic / 2. I'm Going Up [ featuring [[Bebe Winans]] ] / 3. With All My Heart / 4. Old Landmark / 5. The World Needs Jesus / 6. I Lift My Heart / 7. Jesus Loves Me / 8. Show Me The Way / 9. Why We Sing [ featuring [[Dee Dee Warrick]] ] / 10. Rise, Shine And Give God / 11. The Glory / 12. The Lord Is My Shepherd / 13. Seven [ featuring [[David Elliott]] ] ----

