Rick Springfield

「Rick Springfield」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rick Springfield」(2010/12/25 (土) 17:45:41) の最新版変更点



---- #contents ---- **My Precious Little One #image() 2009年5月5日 ( HD ) 1. Don't Keep The Sandman Waiting / 2. My Precious Little One / 3. Another Rainy Night / 4. Catch A Kiss / 5. Say Goodnight / 6. The Night Is A Friendly Color / 7. Dreamtime Faeries / 8. Sweet Dreams / 9. Sleepy Children / 10. Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire ----
---- #contents ---- **My Precious Little One #image(cd-MyPreciousLittleOne.jpg,left) 2009年5月5日 ( HD ) 1. Don't Keep The Sandman Waiting / 2. My Precious Little One / 3. Another Rainy Night / 4. Catch A Kiss / 5. Say Goodnight / 6. The Night Is A Friendly Color / 7. Dreamtime Faeries / 8. Sweet Dreams / 9. Sleepy Children / 10. Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire ----

