

Agenda」(2012/04/08 (日) 22:16:20) の最新版変更点



翌日からの予定を立てる事が可能 ---- *平時 **共通 -Offer a coffee [コーヒーを提供する] -Offer a glass of champagne [シャンパンを提供する] -Offer a bribe [賄賂を提供する] 持ちかけた時点で断られる事が多く、又提示金額が少ないと断られる。天皇陛下には何故かよく通用する。 -Tell her she is charming -Tell him: "You are worthy of your position and on honor to the institution!" -Offer to award him the national medal -Invite him to speak highly of you in public -Encourage him to take out a party card with your own party -Ask him if he would accept a ministry **Heads of State 会談に2日を要する。 -Tell him: I love your country, its splendid landscapes always made me dream -Renegotiate a military alliance -Create a sales contract -Invite him to make the same decision as you at the next G8 summit 日本=>アメリカで確認 **Institutions ***Minister for justice(国内) -Cheer him up -Tell him to toe the line **Religions [宗教] -Tell him: "Spiritually speaking, your religion has always been a great inspiration for me!" -Ask him to pray for you **Artist -Tell him/her: "Hamlet, Othello,Richard III, Mirza the dog, what a repertory!" <Actor> --"What poetry in your choreography!" <Dancer> --"You come over so well on the screen!" <Commentator> --"You're so funny!" <Humorist> --"With you we are all fashion victims!" <Fashion designer> --"When you play,Maestro,The angels begin to dance!" <Musician> --"I pissed myself laughing at yoour last film!" <Movie maker> --"I've read all your books!" <Novelist> --"You'll bury us all,Madame <name>!" <Oldest person> --"What inspiration in your painting!" <Painter> --"Really caustic, your latest album!It blew me away!" <Singer> --"You're really the best of your kind!" <Political journalist> --"You're even more beautiful in real life!" <Top model> --"Flattery apart, for me you're the greatest living artist!" <Photographer> **Athletes -Tell him/her: --"You are really an example for the children of this country!" <Sports man/woman> --"You take free kicks like no one else!" <Football player> --"My word, what a driver" <Driver> --"Fantastic, that rising backhand!" <Tenniswoman> **Family & friends ***Wife -Offer to make love to her, right here and now -Tell her: "You have a lover! I know you have, fickle woman! Traitor, Witch!" -Encourage her to be more discreet -Tell her: "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, darling!" ***Mother [] -Encourage her to be more discreet -Encourage her to be more talkative -Offer her flowers -Tell her: "You're the most beautiful mother in the whole world!" ***Father [] -Give him his pills -Ask him:"Well, as young as ever, Dad!?" -Lend him your official car -Encourage him to reduce his gambling -------- *戦時中
翌日からの予定を立てる事が可能 ---- *<平時> **共通 -Offer a coffee [コーヒーを提供する] -Offer a glass of champagne [シャンパンを提供する] -Offer a bribe [賄賂を提供する] 持ちかけた時点で断られる事が多く、又提示金額が少ないと断られる。天皇陛下には何故かよく通用する。 -Tell her she is charming -Tell him: "You are worthy of your position and on honor to the institution!" -Offer to award him the national medal -Invite him to speak highly of you in public -Encourage him to take out a party card with your own party -Ask him if he would accept a ministry **Heads of State 会談に2日を要する。 -Tell him: I love your country, its splendid landscapes always made me dream -Renegotiate a military alliance -Create a sales contract -Invite him to make the same decision as you at the next G8 summit 日本=>アメリカで確認 **Institutions ***Minister for justice(国内) -Cheer him up -Tell him to toe the line **Religions [宗教] -Tell him: "Spiritually speaking, your religion has always been a great inspiration for me!" -Ask him to pray for you **Artist -Tell him/her: "Hamlet, Othello,Richard III, Mirza the dog, what a repertory!" <Actor> --"What poetry in your choreography!" <Dancer> --"You come over so well on the screen!" <Commentator> --"You're so funny!" <Humorist> --"With you we are all fashion victims!" <Fashion designer> --"When you play,Maestro,The angels begin to dance!" <Musician> --"I pissed myself laughing at yoour last film!" <Movie maker> --"I've read all your books!" <Novelist> --"You'll bury us all,Madame <name>!" <Oldest person> --"What inspiration in your painting!" <Painter> --"Really caustic, your latest album!It blew me away!" <Singer> --"You're really the best of your kind!" <Political journalist> --"You're even more beautiful in real life!" <Top model> --"Flattery apart, for me you're the greatest living artist!" <Photographer> **Athletes -Tell him/her: --"You are really an example for the children of this country!" <Sports man/woman> --"You take free kicks like no one else!" <Football player> --"My word, what a driver" <Driver> --"Fantastic, that rising backhand!" <Tenniswoman> **Family & friends ***Wife -Offer to make love to her, right here and now -Tell her: "You have a lover! I know you have, fickle woman! Traitor, Witch!" -Encourage her to be more discreet -Tell her: "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, darling!" ***Mother [] -Encourage her to be more discreet -Encourage her to be more talkative -Offer her flowers -Tell her: "You're the most beautiful mother in the whole world!" ***Father [] -Give him his pills -Ask him:"Well, as young as ever, Dad!?" -Lend him your official car -Encourage him to reduce his gambling -------- *<戦時中>




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