
UN」(2012/04/08 (日) 13:56:18) の最新版変更点



*UNO [国際連合] |項目|訳語|説明| |Provide proof that a nation is a threat to international security|国際防衛における脅威である国家の証拠提供|| |Seize the Security Council to denounce a nation that threatens world peace|世界平和への脅威である国への非難の機会を安全保障理事会で図る?|| |Ask the Security Council to authorize a military intervention against a country|国家への軍事介入への認可を安全保障理事会に依頼|| |Consult the make up and agenda of the Security Council|安全保障理事会の構成及び協議事項の調査|| |Consult the adopted resolutions|採択決議調査|| |Consult the pending resolutions|未採択決議調査|| |Ask for the status of permanent member on the Security Council|安全保障理事会の常任理事国の地位要求|| |Leave the organization|団体からの脱退|| |Publicly support the organization|団体の公的支援|| |Question the actions and legitimacy of the organization|団体の行動および合法性を質問する|| *IMF [国際通貨基金] |項目|訳語|説明| |Leave the organization|団体からの脱退|| |Publicly support the organization|団体の公的支援|| |Question the actions of the organization|団体の行動を質問する|| *WB [世界銀行] |項目|訳語|説明| |Leave the organization|団体からの脱退|| |Publicly support the organization|団体の公的支援|| |Question the actions of the organization|団体の行動を質問する||
*UNO [国際連合] -Provide proof that a nation is a threat to international security [国際防衛における脅威である国家の証拠提供] -Seize the Security Council to denounce a nation that threatens world peace [世界平和への脅威である国への非難の機会を安全保障理事会で図る?] -Ask the Security Council to authorize a military intervention against a country [国家への軍事介入への認可を安全保障理事会に依頼] -Consult the make up and agenda of the Security Council [安全保障理事会の構成及び協議事項の調査] -Consult the adopted resolutions [採択決議調査] -Consult the pending resolutions [未採択決議調査] -Ask for the status of permanent member on the Security Council [安全保障理事会の常任理事国の地位要求] -Leave the organization [団体からの脱退] -Publicly support the organization [団体の公的支援] -Question the actions and legitimacy of the organization [団体の行動および合法性を質問する] *IMF [国際通貨基金] -Leave the organization [団体からの脱退] -Publicly support the organization [団体の公的支援] -Question the actions of the organization [団体の行動を質問する] *WB [世界銀行] -Leave the organization [団体からの脱退] -Publicly support the organization [団体の公的支援] -Question the actions of the organization [団体の行動を質問する]




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