Military operations

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Military operations」(2012/07/04 (水) 13:38:23) の最新版変更点



*Actions [行動] -Leave the control of the armed forces in the hands of the military top brass [軍部長官に軍事統制を委任する] -Place the control of the armed forces under the authority of the head of government [] -Attack a country [国家を攻撃する] -Defend the territory of an attacked country [] -Go to war, siding with a country in conflict [] -Launch a procedure to authorize the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons [化学・細菌兵器の使用許可処置の開始] -Give the order to withdrow your units [] -Propose a peace treaty [] -Surrender [] -Demand the retreat of foreign troops on our territory [自国領における外国軍の撤退要求] -Call for help []
*Actions [行動] -Leave the control of the armed forces in the hands of the military top brass [軍部長官に軍事統制を委任する] -Place the control of the armed forces under the authority of the head of government [政府首班が軍事統制をする シビリアンコントロール] -Attack a country [国家を攻撃する] -Defend the territory of an attacked country [攻撃された国と領土防衛] -Go to war, siding with a country in conflict [他国での交戦相手へ参戦] -Launch a procedure to authorize the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons [化学・細菌兵器の使用許可処置の開始] -Give the order to with drow your units [] -Propose a peace treaty [平和条約を提案] -Surrender [降伏] -Demand the retreat of foreign troops on our territory [自国領における外国軍の撤退要求] -Call for help []




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