

Justice」(2012/07/04 (水) 14:06:37) の最新版変更点



*Legislation [立法] -Determine the balance of power between the state and the Department of Justice [国家と地方の司法権力の優位を決定] --Total independence of Justice [] --High court judges appointed by State [] --Control measures for judges [] --Justice completely under state control [] -Join the International Criminal Court [国際刑事裁判所への加入] -Propose a law to ban the death penalty [死刑廃止の為の法提案] -Amnesty [恩赦] --Offense against the road code [] --Sentences of less than 3 months [] -Establish legislation on arms sales [武器販売の為の法律制定] --Unrestricted sale to adults [] --Sale subject to a license system [] --Sale limited to hunting arms, which must adhere to the license system and undergo inquiry [] --Ban on the sale and possession of firearms [] *Construction [建設] Legal institutions [法定建設]の設定 *Prisoners [囚人] 政治犯に関する指示
*Legislation [立法] -Determine the balance of power between the state and the Department of Justice [国家と地方の司法権力の優位を決定] --Total independence of Justice [裁判の独立制] --High court judges appointed by State [最高裁判所裁判官は、国によって任命 ] --Control measures for judges [裁判官のための制御措置] --Justice completely under state control [国家による裁判措置] -Join the International Criminal Court [国際刑事裁判所への加入] -Propose a law to ban the death penalty [死刑廃止の為の法提案] -Amnesty [恩赦] --Offense against the road code [] --Sentences of less than 3 months [] -Establish legislation on arms sales [武器販売の為の法律制定] --Unrestricted sale to adults [成人へ販売無制限] --Sale subject to a license system [免許制度の売却の対象] --Sale limited to hunting arms, which must adhere to the license system and undergo inquiry [免許に準じて審査があり、狩猟銃に限定] --Ban on the sale and possession of firearms [銃販売と所持禁止] *Construction [建設] Legal institutions [法定建設]の設定 *Prisoners [囚人] 政治犯に関する指示




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