「CHAPTER II with impression」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

CHAPTER II with impression」(2007/10/08 (月) 17:07:40) の最新版変更点



RIGHT:[[CHAPTER I>CHAPTER I with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER II つづき>CHAPTER II with impression2]] CENTER:CHAPTER II CENTER:Matthew Cuthbert is surprised CENTER:第2章 マシュー・カスバートの驚き(松本訳) Matthew Cuthbert and the sorrel mare jogged comfortably over the eight miles to Bright River. &br() &color(purple){「eight miles」 13 km弱。1マイル=1760ヤード=1.609 km} &br() It was a pretty road, running along between snug farmsteads, with now and again a bit of balsamy fir wood to drive through or a hollow &br() &color(purple){「balsamy fir wood」バルサム臭のするモミの木。'''Abies balsamea''' バルサムモミ。[[ウィキペディア日本語版>http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A2%E3%83%9F]]には、モミの分布のコメントがあるのですが、プリンスエドワード島に生えている fir(モミの木の仲間)は、balsam fir バルサムモミ(カナダバルサム)のようです。[[ウィキペディア英語版>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balsam_Fir]]によると、バルサムモミの分布はバッチリです&sup(){*1}} &br() where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom. &br() &color(purple){「wild plums」野生のスモモ '''Prunus'''。[[ウィキペディア英語版>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plum]]によると、plumは1種ではなく、'''Prunus'''属の中の'''Prunus'''亜属の種を指すらしい。花の写真は[[ウィキペディア>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Plum_flowers.jpg]]をどうぞ。種が違っても花の様子はあまり違わないはず。なお、新世界plumと旧世界plumとがあるそうなので、日本のスモモとプリンスエドワード島の野生スモモは種が違う可能性大} &br() &color(purple){以下余談:同じ'''Prunus'''属のモモ(peach)は'''Amygdalus'''亜属[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peach]]、サクラ(cherry)は'''Cerasus'''亜属、[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry]]、bird cherry(black cherryの仲間)は'''Padus'''亜属[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plum]]、なのだそうです。へぇ~。ウィキペディアへのリンクをつけときました} &br() The air was sweet with the breath of many apple orchards and the meadows sloped away in the distance to horizon mists of pearl and purple; while CENTER:"The little birds sang as if it were CENTER:The one day of summer in all the year." &br() &color(green){「"The little birds sang as if it were/The one day of summer in all the year."」松本訳注第2章(1) p. 453参照} Matthew enjoyed the drive after his own fashion, except during the moments when he met women and had to nod to them-- for in Prince Edward island you are supposed to nod to all &br() &color(green){「Prince Edward island」松本訳注第2章(2) p. 454参照} &br() and sundry you meet on the road whether you know them or not. Matthew dreaded all women except Marilla and Mrs. Rachel; he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him. &br() &color(purple){「creatures」生き物。creaturesと表現することで、いやーな感じが強調されている} &br() He may have been quite right in thinking so, for he was an odd-looking personage, with an ungainly figure and long iron-gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders, and a full, soft brown beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty. In fact, he had looked at twenty very much as he looked at sixty, lacking a little of the grayness. When he reached Bright River there was no sign of any train; he thought he was too early, so he tied his horse in the yard of the small Bright River hotel and went over to the station house. The long platform was almost deserted; the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the extreme end. &br() &color(purple){「the only living creature in sight being a girl」唯一の生き物で、見えたのは女の子だった、とマシューの認識。いやーな感じありあり……} &br() &color(purple){「a pile of shingles」shingleは、「丸石、ごろ石」という意味と「屋根板」の意味と両方ある。石の場合は、少し大きめなものを言うらしい。駅にはジャリが必要なので、石のほうがいいのかもと思ったりしますが、大きめの丸石ではヘンだし、かといって、屋根板というのも唐突。当時の様子がわかれば簡単なのですが} &br() &color(green){松本訳 p. 22では、「ホームの端につんだ屋根板」} &br() Matthew, barely noting that it WAS a girl, sidled past her as quickly as possible without looking at her. &br() &color(purple){「sidle」横向きに歩く、こそこそ歩く。これはマシューに対して女の子たちがやるのと一緒(後にでてくる)} &br() Had he looked he could hardly have failed to notice the tense rigidity and expectation of her attitude and expression. &br() &color(purple){「attitude and expression」似たような言葉の繰り返し。強調するときの通常の方法だと思いますが、『Anne』ではよくでてきます} &br() She was sitting there waiting for something or somebody and, &br() &color(purple){「something or somebody」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここでも} &br() since sitting and waiting was the only thing to do just then, &br() &color(purple){「sitting and waiting」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここでも} &br() she sat and waited with all her might and main. &br() &color(purple){「sat and waited」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここは上の「sitting and waiting」を受けて強調しまくり} &br() &color(purple){「with might and main」成句:全力を尽して。[[Chapter XXXI with impression]]もどうぞ} &br() Matthew encountered the stationmaster locking up the ticket office preparatory to going home for supper, and asked him if the five-thirty train would soon be along. "The five-thirty train has been in and gone half an hour ago," answered that brisk official. "But there was a passenger dropped off for you--a little girl. She's sitting out there on the shingles. I asked her to go into the ladies' waiting room, but she informed me gravely that she preferred to stay outside. `There was more scope for imagination,' she said. &br() &color(purple){「scope for imagination」ついに出た!想像の余地。しかし、初出はアン本人の言葉ではなく、駅長さんの伝聞} &br() &color(green){「scope for imagination」松本訳注第2章(3) p. 455参照} &br() She's a case, I should say." &br() &color(purple){「case」ここでは、変人という意味がいちばんよさそう} &br() "I'm not expecting a girl," said Matthew blankly. "It's a boy I've come for. He should be here. Mrs. Alexander Spencer was to bring him over from Nova Scotia for me." The stationmaster whistled. "Guess there's some mistake," he said. "Mrs. Spencer came off the train with that girl and gave her into my charge. Said you and your sister were adopting her from an orphan asylum &br() &color(purple){「Said」She said の略} &br() and that you would be along for her presently. That's all I know about it--and I haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts." "I don't understand," said Matthew helplessly, wishing that Marilla was at hand to cope with the situation. "Well, you'd better question the girl," said the station- master carelessly. "I dare say she'll be able to explain-- she's got a tongue of her own, that's certain. Maybe they were out of boys of the brand you wanted." &br() &color(purple){「brand」品種、種類。ここではブランド品の意味ではない} &br() He walked jauntily away, being hungry, &br() &color(purple){「jauntily」あくまで陽気な駅長さん。unfortunateなマシューと対比させるためでしょう} &br() and the unfortunate Matthew was left to do that which was harder for him than bearding a lion in its den-- &br() &color(green){「bearding a lion in its den」松本訳注第2章(4) p. 455参照} &br() walk up to a girl--a strange girl--an orphan girl--and demand of her why she wasn't a boy. &br() &color(purple){「girl」の繰り返し。3回! とまどいというか、いやな様子を強調} &br() Matthew groaned in spirit as he turned about and shuffled gently down the platform towards her. She had been watching him ever since he had passed her and she had her eyes on him now. Matthew was not looking at her and would not have seen what she was really like if he had been, but an ordinary observer would have seen this: &br() &color(purple){ここで、きちんとアンの様子が記述される。なんだかお芝居の脚本のような、むしろ、映画のような映像的な表現のような記述。この場面では、全身からアンの表情がわかるくらいまでざっとアップで撮られているけれども、見ている人にはその人物の「意思」のようなものまで読み取る間は与えないくらいの時間で、カメラが引いて(またはパンして)しまうように} &br() A child of about eleven, garbed in a very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish-gray wincey. &br() &color(purple){「garbe」(他動)職業や地位などがわかる服装をさせる。和訳が難しい動詞ですね} &br() She wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair. Her face was small, white and thin, also much freckled; &br() &color(purple){「much freckled」そばかすだらけ} &br() her mouth was large and so were her eyes, which looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others. So far, the ordinary observer; an extraordinary observer might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced; &br() &color(purple){「very pointed and pronounced」ここでも似たような言葉の繰り返し。あごが「とがって、はっきりした輪郭」/同じ単語で「言葉や意見が鋭い、決然たる」という意味もある。似たような言葉を繰り返すだけではなく、意味を二重に使っている。なので、「no commonplace soul inhabited」と最後に結論づけることになる。源氏物語を読むときに気をつけなければならないのと同じような言葉の遊びがある、とするのは考えすぎでしょうか} &br() that the big eyes were full of spirit and vivacity; &br() &color(purple){「spirit and vivacity」ここでも似たような言葉の繰り返し} &br() that the mouth was sweet-lipped and expressive; &br() &color(purple){「sweet-lipped and expressive」ここでも} &br() that the forehead was broad and full; &br() &color(purple){「broad and full」ここでも} &br() in short, &br() &color(purple){「in short」ここまでしつこく書いてきたのにまだ書くことはなかろう、とちょっと突っ込みたくなってしまったり……} &br() our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded that no commonplace soul inhabited the body of this stray woman- child of whom shy Matthew Cuthbert was so ludicrously afraid. &br() &color(purple){「stray woman-child」stray は、迷っている、はぐれた。ここでは、あまり深い意味がなく、孤児の女の子を言い替えているだけのような気はしますが、何か連想するものがあるのかもしれません} &br() Matthew, however, was spared the ordeal of speaking first, for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up, grasping with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby, old-fashioned carpet-bag; the other she held out to him. &br() &color(purple){バッグを左手、握手は右手、でしょう、ふつうなら} &br() "I suppose you are Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" &br() &color(purple){「I suppose you are...?」ちょっと丁寧に尋ねている。少なくとも Are you ...? と尋ねてしまったら、尋問になってしまう。マシューが尋ねるなら、子供に対してだからいいけど} &br() she said in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice. &br() &color(purple){「in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice」読者がアンのおしゃべりに引き込まれる仕組みがここにも。独特な澄んだかわいらしい声} &br() "I'm very glad to see you. I was beginning to be afraid you weren't coming for me and I was imagining all the things that might have happened to prevent you. I had made up my mind that if you didn't come for me to-night I'd go down the track to that big wild cherry-tree at the bend, &br() &color(purple){「at the bend」曲ったところで、とするのでいいと思うのですが、around the bend で、気がおかしくなって、という意味がある。この a case である女の子のおしゃべりの中で使われると、気がおかしい、の意味が連想されるのではないでしょうか} &br() and climb up into it to stay all night. I wouldn't be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don't you think? You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn't you? &br() &color(green){「You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn't you?」松本訳注第2章(5) p. 455参照} &br() And I was quite sure you would come for me in the morning, if you didn't to-night." &br() &color(purple){「to-night」これはtonightではないでしょうか。スキャン(グーテンベルグプロジェクトでの)の具合でハイフンが入っただけではないかと思います。PUffin Books版では、tonight} &br() Matthew had taken the scrawny little hand awkwardly in his; then and there he decided what to do. He could not tell this child with the glowing eyes that there had been a mistake; he would take her home and let Marilla do that. She couldn't be left at Bright River anyhow, no matter what mistake had been made, so all questions and explanations might as well be deferred until he was safely back at Green Gables. "I'm sorry I was late," he said shyly. "Come along. The horse is over in the yard. Give me your bag." "Oh, I can carry it," the child responded cheerfully. "It isn't heavy. I've got all my worldly goods in it, &br() &color(green){「all my worldly goods」松本訳注第2章(6) p. 456参照} &br() but it isn't heavy. And if it isn't carried in just a certain way the handle pulls out--so I'd better keep it because I know the exact knack of it. It's an extremely old carpet-bag. Oh, I'm very glad you've come, even if it would have been nice to sleep in a wild cherry-tree. We've got to drive a long piece, haven't we? Mrs. Spencer said it was eight miles. &br() &color(purple){「it was eight miles」時制の一致をしているのですが、今、英作文をするなら、it is eight miles と現在形にするのが望ましいと指導されようというところ。eight milesはスペンサー夫人が話したときでも、アンが話しているときでも変わらない真実として扱っていいので。でも、この『アン』が書かれた100年前は時制の一致は、事実関係よりも話したことに忠実に時制をずらす(it isと言ったことを、saidと過去形で表現するため)のが適切だったのかもしれません} &br() I'm glad because I love driving. Oh, it seems so wonderful that I'm going to live with you and belong to you. &br() &color(purple){「live with you and belong to you」ここでも繰り返し。これはアンの言葉なので切実さになるし、かわいらしい。また、houseとhomeを区別している表現と考えることもできるのでしょう} &br() I've never belonged to anybody--not really. But the asylum was the worst. I've only been in it four months, but that was enough. I don't suppose you ever were an orphan in an asylum, so you can't possibly understand what it is like. It's worse than anything you could imagine. Mrs. Spencer said it was wicked of me to talk like that, but I didn't mean to be wicked. It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it? They were good, you know--the asylum people. But there is so little scope for the imagination in an asylum-- &br() &color(purple){「scope for the imagination」やっとアンの口から出た、想像の余地。でも、imagination に the がついていて、駅長さんの言ったのとちょっと違います。in an asylum と特定されているからかもしれません。次に出てくるときは、the なしですし} &br() only just in the other orphans. It was pretty interesting to imagine things about them--to imagine that perhaps the girl who sat next to you was really the daughter of a belted earl, &br() &color(purple){「a belted earl」beltedは、礼帯を着けた、筋のいい。earlは伯爵(イギリスの。イギリス以外の伯爵はcount)。a belted earl は、礼帯を着けた伯爵。それとも、やんごとなき伯爵(?)と訳したほうがいいかしら} &br() who had been stolen away from her parents in her infancy by a cruel nurse who died before she could confess. &br() &color(purple){「nurse」この文脈では、乳母} &br() &color(purple){「confess」告白する。アンにとっては、重要な言葉(行為?)} &br() I used to lie awake at nights and imagine things like that, because I didn't have time in the day. I guess that's why I'm so thin--I AM dreadful thin, ain't I? There isn't a pick on my bones. &br() &color(purple){「pick」一時期の収穫量。辞書に???} &br() I do love to imagine I'm nice and plump, with dimples in my elbows." &br() &color(purple){「with dimples in my elbows」ひじにえくぼができる。ふっくらとしているのがよいとの考え。今とかなり違う。[[CHAPTER XIII>CHAPTER XIII with impression ]] The Delights of Anticipation では、毎朝ひじにえくぼができていないかと見ている。アラン夫人の頬のえくぼにあこがれているし([[CHAPTER XXI>CHAPTER XXI with impression ]] A New Departure in Flavorings)、ダイアナには(顔に)えくぼがあるのにアンにはないと嘆く場面が[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] The Hotel Concert にある。と、ふっくらにあこがれ続けるアンなのです} &br() With this Matthew's companion stopped talking, &br() &color(purple){「With this」こう言ってから} &br() &color(purple){「Matthew's companion」もちろんアンのこと。英語らしく言い替えが頻繁} &br() partly because she was out of breath and partly because they had reached the buggy. Not another word did she say until they had left the village and were driving down a steep little hill, the road part of which had been cut so deeply into the soft soil, that the banks, fringed with blooming wild cherry-trees and slim white birches, were several feet above their heads. The child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy. &br() &color(purple){「The child」もちろんアンのこと} &br() "Isn't that beautiful? What did that tree, leaning out from the bank, all white and lacy, make you think of?" she asked. "Well now, I dunno," said Matthew. &br() &color(purple){「Well now」マシューの口癖。翻訳する人は、花岡訳が「そうさな」だったので、違いを出しても出さなくても大変。「そうさな」(松本訳)、「さァてね/そうだね」(中村訳)、「そうさのう」(神山訳)、「そうさな」(茅野訳)、「その、なんだ」(掛川訳)} &br() &color(purple){「Well now」はマシューの口癖ではありますが、『アン』の中では48回しか出てきません(十分多い?)} &br() &color(purple){「I dunno」これはもちろん I don't know の t の音が出ていないしゃべり方の音のとおりに表わしたもの} &br() "Why, a bride, of course--a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil. I've never seen one, but I can imagine what she would look like. I don't ever expect to be a bride myself. I'm so homely nobody will ever want to marry me-- &br() &color(purple){「homely」家庭的な、質素な、不器量な。アンが自分が美人じゃないと言っている。homelyが器量よしではないという表現なのは裏返すと、美人は家事ができないという(暗黙の)前提があるのかもしれません(洋の東西を問わない、のかもしれませんが)} &br() unless it might be a foreign missionary. I suppose a foreign missionary mightn't be very particular. &br() &color(purple){「particular」好みにやかましい} &br() But I do hope that some day I shall have a white dress. That is my highest ideal of earthly bliss. &br() &color(purple){「my highest ideal of earthly bliss」big words! earthly 地上の/この世の。bliss 無上の幸福、至福} &br() I just love pretty clothes. And I've never had a pretty dress in my life that I can remember--but of course it's all the more to look forward to, isn't it? And then I can imagine that I'm dressed gorgeously. This morning when I left the asylum I felt so ashamed because I had to wear this horrid old wincey dress. All the orphans had to wear them, you know. A merchant in Hopeton last winter donated three hundred yards of wincey to the asylum. &br() &color(purple){「three hundred yards」300ヤード。1ヤード=3フィート=91.4 cm なので、274 m} &br() &color(purple){「yards」掛川 訳では「ヤール」。業界用語ではヤールのほうがいいのかもしれません。岩波国語辞典 第二版(ちょっと古いですが)には、「織物の長さの単位。ヤードと同じ。▽yardをオランダ語風に読んだなまり。」とあります。} &br() Some people said it was because he couldn't sell it, but I'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart, wouldn't you? When we got on the train I felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me. But I just went to work and imagined that &br() &color(purple){「went to work and imagined that」that以下のことを想像することに取りかかった。and を to に置きかえるとわかりやすいような気がしますが、そんな使いかたがあるのかどうかは不明。to が二重になるのはよくないように思いますし} &br() I had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress--because when you ARE imagining you might as well imagine something worth while--and a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes, &br() &color(purple){「a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes」花と揺れる大きな羽飾りのついた帽子。[[CHAPTER XI> CHAPTER XI with impression]]Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School で実現しようとする。ここに伏線あり} &br() and a gold watch, and kid gloves and boots. I felt cheered up right away and I enjoyed my trip to the Island with all my might. &br() &color(purple){「the Island」もちろんプリンスエドワード島} &br() &color(purple){「with all my might」これはbig wordsではない?} &br() I wasn't a bit sick coming over in the boat. Neither was Mrs. Spencer although she generally is. She said she hadn't time to get sick, watching to see that I didn't fall overboard. She said she never saw the beat of me for prowling about. &br() &color(purple){「beat」まさる人物} &br() But if it kept her from being seasick it's a mercy I did prowl, isn't it? And I wanted to see everything that was to be seen on that boat, because I didn't know whether I'd ever have another opportunity. Oh, there are a lot more cherry-trees all in bloom! This Island is the bloomiest place. I just love it already, &br() &color(purple){「it」もちろんプリンスエドワード島。hereと言ってしまいそうですが、itですよね} &br() and I'm so glad I'm going to live here. I've always heard that Prince Edward Island was the prettiest place in the world, and I used to imagine I was living here, &br() &color(purple){プリンスエドワード島が世界一と、モードの思いをアンに語らせている。この思いが、プリンスエドワード島のその後の歴史に大きく影響したに違いありません} &br() but I never really expected I would. It's delightful when your imaginations come true, isn't it? But those red roads are so funny. When we got into the train at Charlottetown &br() &color(green){「Charlottetown」松本訳注第2章(7) p. 456参照} &br() and the red roads began to flash past &br() &color(green){「red roads」松本訳注第2章(8) p. 456参照} &br() I asked Mrs. Spencer what made them red and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions. She said I must have asked her a thousand already. I suppose I had, too, but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions? And what DOES make the roads red?" "Well now, I dunno," said Matthew. "Well, that is one of the things to find out sometime. Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive-- it's such an interesting world. &br() &color(purple){アンのこの前向きな性格が、この物語をすばらしいものにしている} &br() It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there? &br() &color(purple){「scope for imagination」想像の余地は結構安売りしているような気がする} &br() But am I talking too much? People are always telling me I do. Would you rather I didn't talk? If you say so I'll stop. I can STOP when I make up my mind to it, although it's difficult." Matthew, much to his own surprise, was enjoying himself. Like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of it. But he had never expected to enjoy the society of a little girl. &br() &color(purple){「society」一緒にいること} &br() Women were bad enough in all conscience, but little girls were worse. He detested the way they had of sidling past him timidly, &br() &color(purple){「sidling past him」自分がされるのはいやなのに、マシューはアンに対しても同じことをした(上のほうで、sidled past her)} &br() with sidewise glances, as if they expected him to gobble them up at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word. That was the Avonlea type of well-bred little girl. But this freckled witch was very different, &br() &color(purple){「this freckled witch」このそばかすの魔女。[[CHAPTER III>CHAPTER III with impression]] Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised では、マシューはマリラに「Matthew Cuthbert, I believe that child has bewitched you!」と魔法をかけられたに違いないと言われる。[[CHAPTER VII>CHAPTER VII with impression]] Anne Says Her Prayers にも「this freckled witch」とアンが表現されるけれども、キリスト教をよく知らないという文脈でのwitchなので、異教徒のニュアンスがある。しかし、ここでは、そういう意味はないはず。アンがwitchと言われるのはこの2ヶ所だけ} &br() and although he found it rather difficult for his slower intelligence to keep up with her brisk mental processes he thought that he "kind of liked her chatter." &br() &color(purple){「kind of」(副)[話]幾分、やや、ちょっと。ダブルクォーテーションで囲んで、「魔法」をかけられたのを示すのはわかるのですが、そこに kind of との見慣れない副詞句があるとわかりづらさ倍増。英語の口語を体験として知らないとこうなるのね……} &br() So he said as shyly as usual: "Oh, you can talk as much as you like. I don't mind." "Oh, I'm so glad. I know you and I are going to get along together fine. It's such a relief to talk when one wants to and not be told that children should be seen and not heard. &br() &color(green){「children should be seen and not heard」松本訳注第2章(9) p. 456参照} &br() I've had that said to me a million times if I have once. And people laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?" &br() &color(purple){「big words」大げさな言葉。big wordsを連発するのはアンのおしゃべりの特徴ですが、big words そのものの話題は、意外にも、ここのほかは、[[CHAPTER XXVI with impression]] The Story Club Is Formed と [[CHAPTER XXXI with impression]] Where the Brook and River Meet だけ} &br() "Well now, that seems reasonable," said Matthew. "Mrs. Spencer said that my tongue must be hung in the middle. But it isn't--it's firmly fastened at one end. Mrs. Spencer said your place was named Green Gables. I asked her all about it. And she said there were trees all around it. I was gladder than ever. I just love trees. &color(purple){これは、前章[[CHAPTER I with impression]] Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised で レイチェル夫人が「Trees aren't much company」と言っているのに呼応しているように思います。では、グリーンゲイブルズに住むようになってから、アンがどのように木が好きなのかが具体的に表わされるのは、[[CHAPTER XI with impression]] Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School で、アンは独り言を言っているか木や花に話し掛けると、ジェリー・ブートが話をしていた、というところでしょうか} &br() And there weren't any at all about the asylum, only a few poor weeny-teeny things out in front with little whitewashed cagey things about them. &br() &color(purple){「weeny-teeny」繰り返して音が心地いいコトバ。どちらも(口)でちっちゃい、の意味。teeny は、tinyから、かも} &br() They just looked like orphans themselves, those trees did. It used to make me want to cry to look at them. I used to say to them, `Oh, you POOR little things! If you were out in a great big woods with other trees all around you and little mosses and Junebells growing over your roots &br() &color(green){「Junebells」松本訳注第2章(10) p. 457参照} &br() and a brook not far away and birds singing in you branches, you could grow, couldn't you? But you can't where you are. I know just exactly how you feel, little trees.' I felt sorry to leave them behind this morning. You do get so attached to things like that, don't you? &br() &color(purple){「attached」好きだ} &br() Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables? I forgot to ask Mrs. Spencer that." "Well now, yes, there's one right below the house." "Fancy. &br() &color(purple){「Fancy.」Puffin Books では、Fancy! とエクスクラメーショーンマーク付き。この喜びの言葉は珍しくはないのでしょうか……} &br() It's always been one of my dreams to live near a brook. I never expected I would, though. Dreams don't often come true, do they? Wouldn't it be nice if they did? But just now I feel pretty nearly perfectly happy. I can't feel exactly perfectly happy because--well, what color would you call this?" She twitched one of her long glossy braids over her thin shoulder and held it up before Matthew's eyes. Matthew was not used to deciding on the tints of ladies' tresses, but in this case there couldn't be much doubt. "It's red, ain't it?" he said. &br() &color(purple){「ain't it」ここは、isn't it ではないでしょうか。「正しい」文法なら。と書いてみたのですが念のため辞書を見ると、ain't は am not だけでなく、are [is, have, has] not でもあるようです。話しことばは難しい} &br() The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of the ages. &br() &color(purple){「the ages」積年の、という感じでしょうか} &br() "Yes, it's red," she said resignedly. "Now you see why I can't be perfectly happy. Nobody could who has red hair. &br() &color(green){「Nobody could who has red hair.」松本訳注第2章(11) p. 457参照} &br() I don't mind the other things so much--the freckles and the green eyes and my skinniness. I can imagine them away. I can imagine that I have a beautiful rose-leaf complexion and lovely starry violet eyes. &br() &color(purple){「violet eyes」アンは自分の作ったお話の中で Geraldine Seymour がpurple の眼を持つことにするが、ダイアナにそんな人は見たことがないと付っ込まれる([[CHAPTER XXVI with impression]] The Story Club Is Formed)} &br() But I CANNOT imagine that red hair away. I do my best. I think to myself, `Now my hair is a glorious black, black as the raven's wing.' But all the time I KNOW it is just plain red and it breaks my heart. It will be my lifelong sorrow. I read of a girl once in a novel who had a lifelong sorrow but it wasn't red hair. Her hair was pure gold rippling back from her alabaster brow. &br() &color(green){「brow」松本訳注第2章(12) p. 457参照} &br() What is an alabaster brow? I never could find out. Can you tell me?" "Well now, I'm afraid I can't," said Matthew, who was getting a little dizzy. He felt as he had once felt in his rash youth when another boy had enticed him on the merry-go- round at a picnic. "Well, whatever it was it must have been something nice because she was divinely beautiful. Have you ever imagined what it must feel like to be divinely beautiful?" "Well now, no, I haven't," confessed Matthew ingenuously. "I have, often. Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?" "Well now, I--I don't know exactly." "Neither do I. I can never decide. But it doesn't make much real difference for it isn't likely I'll ever be either. It's certain I'll never be angelically good. Mrs. Spencer says--oh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert!! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert!!!" つづきは[[こちら>CHAPTER II with impression2]] RIGHT:[[CHAPTER I>CHAPTER I with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER II つづき>CHAPTER II with impression2]] RIGHT:8 October 2007 ---- &sup(){*1} ウィキペディアが全て正しいと考えているわけではありません。 とはいえ、写真は有用であること、また、読んでみて、それなりに適切と思う ものはリンクしてもいいと考えています。そこで、いい情報になりそうなもの にはリンクを張りました。ただし、リンク先は時間が経つと変わってしまう可 能性がありますので、ご注意を ---- 今日 &counter(today); | 昨日 &counter(yesterday); | Total &counter(total); since 8 October 2007 RIGHT:last update: &update()
RIGHT:[[CHAPTER I>CHAPTER I with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER II つづき>CHAPTER II with impression2]] CENTER:CHAPTER II CENTER:Matthew Cuthbert is surprised CENTER:第2章 マシュー・カスバートの驚き(松本訳) Matthew Cuthbert and the sorrel mare jogged comfortably over the eight miles to Bright River. &br() &color(purple){「eight miles」 13 km弱。1マイル=1760ヤード=1.609 km} &br() It was a pretty road, running along between snug farmsteads, with now and again a bit of balsamy fir wood to drive through or a hollow &br() &color(purple){「balsamy fir wood」バルサム臭のするモミの木。'''Abies balsamea''' バルサムモミ。[[ウィキペディア日本語版>http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A2%E3%83%9F]]には、モミの分布のコメントがあるのですが、プリンスエドワード島に生えている fir(モミの木の仲間)は、balsam fir バルサムモミ(カナダバルサム)のようです。[[ウィキペディア英語版>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balsam_Fir]]によると、バルサムモミの分布はバッチリです}&sup(){*1} &br() where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom. &br() &color(purple){「wild plums」野生のスモモ '''Prunus'''。[[ウィキペディア英語版>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plum]]によると、plumは1種ではなく、'''Prunus'''属の中の'''Prunus'''亜属の種を指すらしい。花の写真は[[ウィキペディア>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Plum_flowers.jpg]]をどうぞ。種が違っても花の様子はあまり違わないはず。なお、新世界plumと旧世界plumとがあるそうなので、日本のスモモとプリンスエドワード島の野生スモモは種が違う可能性大} &br() &color(purple){以下余談:同じ'''Prunus'''属のモモ(peach)は'''Amygdalus'''亜属[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peach]]、サクラ(cherry)は'''Cerasus'''亜属、[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry]]、bird cherry(black cherryの仲間)は'''Padus'''亜属[[Go to Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plum]]、なのだそうです。へぇ~。ウィキペディアへのリンクをつけときました} &br() The air was sweet with the breath of many apple orchards and the meadows sloped away in the distance to horizon mists of pearl and purple; while CENTER:"The little birds sang as if it were CENTER:The one day of summer in all the year." &br() &color(green){「"The little birds sang as if it were/The one day of summer in all the year."」松本訳注第2章(1) p. 453参照} Matthew enjoyed the drive after his own fashion, except during the moments when he met women and had to nod to them-- for in Prince Edward island you are supposed to nod to all &br() &color(green){「Prince Edward island」松本訳注第2章(2) p. 454参照} &br() and sundry you meet on the road whether you know them or not. Matthew dreaded all women except Marilla and Mrs. Rachel; he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him. &br() &color(purple){「creatures」生き物。creaturesと表現することで、いやーな感じが強調されている} &br() He may have been quite right in thinking so, for he was an odd-looking personage, with an ungainly figure and long iron-gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders, and a full, soft brown beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty. In fact, he had looked at twenty very much as he looked at sixty, lacking a little of the grayness. When he reached Bright River there was no sign of any train; he thought he was too early, so he tied his horse in the yard of the small Bright River hotel and went over to the station house. The long platform was almost deserted; the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the extreme end. &br() &color(purple){「the only living creature in sight being a girl」唯一の生き物で、見えたのは女の子だった、とマシューの認識。いやーな感じありあり……} &br() &color(purple){「a pile of shingles」shingleは、「丸石、ごろ石」という意味と「屋根板」の意味と両方ある。石の場合は、少し大きめなものを言うらしい。駅にはジャリが必要なので、石のほうがいいのかもと思ったりしますが、大きめの丸石ではヘンだし、かといって、屋根板というのも唐突。当時の様子がわかれば簡単なのですが} &br() &color(green){松本訳 p. 22では、「ホームの端につんだ屋根板」} &br() Matthew, barely noting that it WAS a girl, sidled past her as quickly as possible without looking at her. &br() &color(purple){「sidle」横向きに歩く、こそこそ歩く。これはマシューに対して女の子たちがやるのと一緒(後にでてくる)} &br() Had he looked he could hardly have failed to notice the tense rigidity and expectation of her attitude and expression. &br() &color(purple){「attitude and expression」似たような言葉の繰り返し。強調するときの通常の方法だと思いますが、『Anne』ではよくでてきます} &br() She was sitting there waiting for something or somebody and, &br() &color(purple){「something or somebody」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここでも} &br() since sitting and waiting was the only thing to do just then, &br() &color(purple){「sitting and waiting」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここでも} &br() she sat and waited with all her might and main. &br() &color(purple){「sat and waited」似たような言葉の繰り返し。ここは上の「sitting and waiting」を受けて強調しまくり} &br() &color(purple){「with might and main」成句:全力を尽して。[[Chapter XXXI with impression]]もどうぞ} &br() Matthew encountered the stationmaster locking up the ticket office preparatory to going home for supper, and asked him if the five-thirty train would soon be along. "The five-thirty train has been in and gone half an hour ago," answered that brisk official. "But there was a passenger dropped off for you--a little girl. She's sitting out there on the shingles. I asked her to go into the ladies' waiting room, but she informed me gravely that she preferred to stay outside. `There was more scope for imagination,' she said. &br() &color(purple){「scope for imagination」ついに出た!想像の余地。しかし、初出はアン本人の言葉ではなく、駅長さんの伝聞} &br() &color(green){「scope for imagination」松本訳注第2章(3) p. 455参照} &br() She's a case, I should say." &br() &color(purple){「case」ここでは、変人という意味がいちばんよさそう} &br() "I'm not expecting a girl," said Matthew blankly. "It's a boy I've come for. He should be here. Mrs. Alexander Spencer was to bring him over from Nova Scotia for me." The stationmaster whistled. "Guess there's some mistake," he said. "Mrs. Spencer came off the train with that girl and gave her into my charge. Said you and your sister were adopting her from an orphan asylum &br() &color(purple){「Said」She said の略} &br() and that you would be along for her presently. That's all I know about it--and I haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts." "I don't understand," said Matthew helplessly, wishing that Marilla was at hand to cope with the situation. "Well, you'd better question the girl," said the station- master carelessly. "I dare say she'll be able to explain-- she's got a tongue of her own, that's certain. Maybe they were out of boys of the brand you wanted." &br() &color(purple){「brand」品種、種類。ここではブランド品の意味ではない} &br() He walked jauntily away, being hungry, &br() &color(purple){「jauntily」あくまで陽気な駅長さん。unfortunateなマシューと対比させるためでしょう} &br() and the unfortunate Matthew was left to do that which was harder for him than bearding a lion in its den-- &br() &color(green){「bearding a lion in its den」松本訳注第2章(4) p. 455参照} &br() walk up to a girl--a strange girl--an orphan girl--and demand of her why she wasn't a boy. &br() &color(purple){「girl」の繰り返し。3回! とまどいというか、いやな様子を強調} &br() Matthew groaned in spirit as he turned about and shuffled gently down the platform towards her. She had been watching him ever since he had passed her and she had her eyes on him now. Matthew was not looking at her and would not have seen what she was really like if he had been, but an ordinary observer would have seen this: &br() &color(purple){ここで、きちんとアンの様子が記述される。なんだかお芝居の脚本のような、むしろ、映画のような映像的な表現のような記述。この場面では、全身からアンの表情がわかるくらいまでざっとアップで撮られているけれども、見ている人にはその人物の「意思」のようなものまで読み取る間は与えないくらいの時間で、カメラが引いて(またはパンして)しまうように} &br() A child of about eleven, garbed in a very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish-gray wincey. &br() &color(purple){「garbe」(他動)職業や地位などがわかる服装をさせる。和訳が難しい動詞ですね} &br() She wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair. Her face was small, white and thin, also much freckled; &br() &color(purple){「much freckled」そばかすだらけ} &br() her mouth was large and so were her eyes, which looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others. So far, the ordinary observer; an extraordinary observer might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced; &br() &color(purple){「very pointed and pronounced」ここでも似たような言葉の繰り返し。あごが「とがって、はっきりした輪郭」/同じ単語で「言葉や意見が鋭い、決然たる」という意味もある。似たような言葉を繰り返すだけではなく、意味を二重に使っている。なので、「no commonplace soul inhabited」と最後に結論づけることになる。源氏物語を読むときに気をつけなければならないのと同じような言葉の遊びがある、とするのは考えすぎでしょうか} &br() that the big eyes were full of spirit and vivacity; &br() &color(purple){「spirit and vivacity」ここでも似たような言葉の繰り返し} &br() that the mouth was sweet-lipped and expressive; &br() &color(purple){「sweet-lipped and expressive」ここでも} &br() that the forehead was broad and full; &br() &color(purple){「broad and full」ここでも} &br() in short, &br() &color(purple){「in short」ここまでしつこく書いてきたのにまだ書くことはなかろう、とちょっと突っ込みたくなってしまったり……} &br() our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded that no commonplace soul inhabited the body of this stray woman- child of whom shy Matthew Cuthbert was so ludicrously afraid. &br() &color(purple){「stray woman-child」stray は、迷っている、はぐれた。ここでは、あまり深い意味がなく、孤児の女の子を言い替えているだけのような気はしますが、何か連想するものがあるのかもしれません} &br() Matthew, however, was spared the ordeal of speaking first, for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up, grasping with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby, old-fashioned carpet-bag; the other she held out to him. &br() &color(purple){バッグを左手、握手は右手、でしょう、ふつうなら} &br() "I suppose you are Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" &br() &color(purple){「I suppose you are...?」ちょっと丁寧に尋ねている。少なくとも Are you ...? と尋ねてしまったら、尋問になってしまう。マシューが尋ねるなら、子供に対してだからいいけど} &br() she said in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice. &br() &color(purple){「in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice」読者がアンのおしゃべりに引き込まれる仕組みがここにも。独特な澄んだかわいらしい声} &br() "I'm very glad to see you. I was beginning to be afraid you weren't coming for me and I was imagining all the things that might have happened to prevent you. I had made up my mind that if you didn't come for me to-night I'd go down the track to that big wild cherry-tree at the bend, &br() &color(purple){「at the bend」曲ったところで、とするのでいいと思うのですが、around the bend で、気がおかしくなって、という意味がある。この a case である女の子のおしゃべりの中で使われると、気がおかしい、の意味が連想されるのではないでしょうか} &br() and climb up into it to stay all night. I wouldn't be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don't you think? You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn't you? &br() &color(green){「You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn't you?」松本訳注第2章(5) p. 455参照} &br() And I was quite sure you would come for me in the morning, if you didn't to-night." &br() &color(purple){「to-night」これはtonightではないでしょうか。スキャン(グーテンベルグプロジェクトでの)の具合でハイフンが入っただけではないかと思います。PUffin Books版では、tonight} &br() Matthew had taken the scrawny little hand awkwardly in his; then and there he decided what to do. He could not tell this child with the glowing eyes that there had been a mistake; he would take her home and let Marilla do that. She couldn't be left at Bright River anyhow, no matter what mistake had been made, so all questions and explanations might as well be deferred until he was safely back at Green Gables. "I'm sorry I was late," he said shyly. "Come along. The horse is over in the yard. Give me your bag." "Oh, I can carry it," the child responded cheerfully. "It isn't heavy. I've got all my worldly goods in it, &br() &color(green){「all my worldly goods」松本訳注第2章(6) p. 456参照} &br() but it isn't heavy. And if it isn't carried in just a certain way the handle pulls out--so I'd better keep it because I know the exact knack of it. It's an extremely old carpet-bag. Oh, I'm very glad you've come, even if it would have been nice to sleep in a wild cherry-tree. We've got to drive a long piece, haven't we? Mrs. Spencer said it was eight miles. &br() &color(purple){「it was eight miles」時制の一致をしているのですが、今、英作文をするなら、it is eight miles と現在形にするのが望ましいと指導されようというところ。eight milesはスペンサー夫人が話したときでも、アンが話しているときでも変わらない真実として扱っていいので。でも、この『アン』が書かれた100年前は時制の一致は、事実関係よりも話したことに忠実に時制をずらす(it isと言ったことを、saidと過去形で表現するため)のが適切だったのかもしれません} &br() I'm glad because I love driving. Oh, it seems so wonderful that I'm going to live with you and belong to you. &br() &color(purple){「live with you and belong to you」ここでも繰り返し。これはアンの言葉なので切実さになるし、かわいらしい。また、houseとhomeを区別している表現と考えることもできるのでしょう} &br() I've never belonged to anybody--not really. But the asylum was the worst. I've only been in it four months, but that was enough. I don't suppose you ever were an orphan in an asylum, so you can't possibly understand what it is like. It's worse than anything you could imagine. Mrs. Spencer said it was wicked of me to talk like that, but I didn't mean to be wicked. It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it? They were good, you know--the asylum people. But there is so little scope for the imagination in an asylum-- &br() &color(purple){「scope for the imagination」やっとアンの口から出た、想像の余地。でも、imagination に the がついていて、駅長さんの言ったのとちょっと違います。in an asylum と特定されているからかもしれません。次に出てくるときは、the なしですし} &br() only just in the other orphans. It was pretty interesting to imagine things about them--to imagine that perhaps the girl who sat next to you was really the daughter of a belted earl, &br() &color(purple){「a belted earl」beltedは、礼帯を着けた、筋のいい。earlは伯爵(イギリスの。イギリス以外の伯爵はcount)。a belted earl は、礼帯を着けた伯爵。それとも、やんごとなき伯爵(?)と訳したほうがいいかしら} &br() who had been stolen away from her parents in her infancy by a cruel nurse who died before she could confess. &br() &color(purple){「nurse」この文脈では、乳母} &br() &color(purple){「confess」告白する。アンにとっては、重要な言葉(行為?)} &br() I used to lie awake at nights and imagine things like that, because I didn't have time in the day. I guess that's why I'm so thin--I AM dreadful thin, ain't I? There isn't a pick on my bones. &br() &color(purple){「pick」一時期の収穫量。辞書に???} &br() I do love to imagine I'm nice and plump, with dimples in my elbows." &br() &color(purple){「with dimples in my elbows」ひじにえくぼができる。ふっくらとしているのがよいとの考え。今とかなり違う。[[CHAPTER XIII>CHAPTER XIII with impression]] The Delights of Anticipation では、毎朝ひじにえくぼができていないかと見ている。アラン夫人の頬のえくぼにあこがれているし([[CHAPTER XXI>CHAPTER XXI with impression]] A New Departure in Flavorings)、ダイアナには(顔に)えくぼがあるのにアンにはないと嘆く場面が[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] The Hotel Concert にある。と、ふっくらにあこがれ続けるアンなのです} &br() With this Matthew's companion stopped talking, &br() &color(purple){「With this」こう言ってから} &br() &color(purple){「Matthew's companion」もちろんアンのこと。英語らしく言い替えが頻繁} &br() partly because she was out of breath and partly because they had reached the buggy. Not another word did she say until they had left the village and were driving down a steep little hill, the road part of which had been cut so deeply into the soft soil, that the banks, fringed with blooming wild cherry-trees and slim white birches, were several feet above their heads. The child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy. &br() &color(purple){「The child」もちろんアンのこと} &br() "Isn't that beautiful? What did that tree, leaning out from the bank, all white and lacy, make you think of?" she asked. "Well now, I dunno," said Matthew. &br() &color(purple){「Well now」マシューの口癖。翻訳する人は、花岡訳が「そうさな」だったので、違いを出しても出さなくても大変。「そうさな」(松本訳)、「さァてね/そうだね」(中村訳)、「そうさのう」(神山訳)、「そうさな」(茅野訳)、「その、なんだ」(掛川訳)} &br() &color(purple){「Well now」はマシューの口癖ではありますが、『アン』の中では48回しか出てきません(十分多い?)} &br() &color(purple){「I dunno」これはもちろん I don't know の t の音が出ていないしゃべり方の音のとおりに表わしたもの} &br() "Why, a bride, of course--a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil. I've never seen one, but I can imagine what she would look like. I don't ever expect to be a bride myself. I'm so homely nobody will ever want to marry me-- &br() &color(purple){「homely」家庭的な、質素な、不器量な。アンが自分が美人じゃないと言っている。homelyが器量よしではないという表現なのは裏返すと、美人は家事ができないという(暗黙の)前提があるのかもしれません(洋の東西を問わない、のかもしれませんが)} &br() unless it might be a foreign missionary. I suppose a foreign missionary mightn't be very particular. &br() &color(purple){「particular」好みにやかましい} &br() But I do hope that some day I shall have a white dress. That is my highest ideal of earthly bliss. &br() &color(purple){「my highest ideal of earthly bliss」big words! earthly 地上の/この世の。bliss 無上の幸福、至福} &br() I just love pretty clothes. And I've never had a pretty dress in my life that I can remember--but of course it's all the more to look forward to, isn't it? And then I can imagine that I'm dressed gorgeously. This morning when I left the asylum I felt so ashamed because I had to wear this horrid old wincey dress. All the orphans had to wear them, you know. A merchant in Hopeton last winter donated three hundred yards of wincey to the asylum. &br() &color(purple){「three hundred yards」300ヤード。1ヤード=3フィート=91.4 cm なので、274 m} &br() &color(purple){「yards」掛川 訳では「ヤール」。業界用語ではヤールのほうがいいのかもしれません。岩波国語辞典 第二版(ちょっと古いですが)には、「織物の長さの単位。ヤードと同じ。▽yardをオランダ語風に読んだなまり。」とあります。} &br() Some people said it was because he couldn't sell it, but I'd rather believe that it was out of the kindness of his heart, wouldn't you? When we got on the train I felt as if everybody must be looking at me and pitying me. But I just went to work and imagined that &br() &color(purple){「went to work and imagined that」that以下のことを想像することに取りかかった。and を to に置きかえるとわかりやすいような気がしますが、そんな使いかたがあるのかどうかは不明。to が二重になるのはよくないように思いますし} &br() I had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress--because when you ARE imagining you might as well imagine something worth while--and a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes, &br() &color(purple){「a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes」花と揺れる大きな羽飾りのついた帽子。[[CHAPTER XI> CHAPTER XI with impression]]Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School で実現しようとする。ここに伏線あり} &br() and a gold watch, and kid gloves and boots. I felt cheered up right away and I enjoyed my trip to the Island with all my might. &br() &color(purple){「the Island」もちろんプリンスエドワード島} &br() &color(purple){「with all my might」これはbig wordsではない?} &br() I wasn't a bit sick coming over in the boat. Neither was Mrs. Spencer although she generally is. She said she hadn't time to get sick, watching to see that I didn't fall overboard. She said she never saw the beat of me for prowling about. &br() &color(purple){「beat」まさる人物} &br() But if it kept her from being seasick it's a mercy I did prowl, isn't it? And I wanted to see everything that was to be seen on that boat, because I didn't know whether I'd ever have another opportunity. Oh, there are a lot more cherry-trees all in bloom! This Island is the bloomiest place. I just love it already, &br() &color(purple){「it」もちろんプリンスエドワード島。hereと言ってしまいそうですが、itですよね} &br() and I'm so glad I'm going to live here. I've always heard that Prince Edward Island was the prettiest place in the world, and I used to imagine I was living here, &br() &color(purple){プリンスエドワード島が世界一と、モードの思いをアンに語らせている。この思いが、プリンスエドワード島のその後の歴史に大きく影響したに違いありません} &br() but I never really expected I would. It's delightful when your imaginations come true, isn't it? But those red roads are so funny. When we got into the train at Charlottetown &br() &color(green){「Charlottetown」松本訳注第2章(7) p. 456参照} &br() and the red roads began to flash past &br() &color(green){「red roads」松本訳注第2章(8) p. 456参照} &br() I asked Mrs. Spencer what made them red and she said she didn't know and for pity's sake not to ask her any more questions. She said I must have asked her a thousand already. I suppose I had, too, but how you going to find out about things if you don't ask questions? And what DOES make the roads red?" "Well now, I dunno," said Matthew. "Well, that is one of the things to find out sometime. Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive-- it's such an interesting world. &br() &color(purple){アンのこの前向きな性格が、この物語をすばらしいものにしている} &br() It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there? &br() &color(purple){「scope for imagination」想像の余地は結構安売りしているような気がする} &br() But am I talking too much? People are always telling me I do. Would you rather I didn't talk? If you say so I'll stop. I can STOP when I make up my mind to it, although it's difficult." Matthew, much to his own surprise, was enjoying himself. Like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of it. But he had never expected to enjoy the society of a little girl. &br() &color(purple){「society」一緒にいること} &br() Women were bad enough in all conscience, but little girls were worse. He detested the way they had of sidling past him timidly, &br() &color(purple){「sidling past him」自分がされるのはいやなのに、マシューはアンに対しても同じことをした(上のほうで、sidled past her)} &br() with sidewise glances, as if they expected him to gobble them up at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word. That was the Avonlea type of well-bred little girl. But this freckled witch was very different, &br() &color(purple){「this freckled witch」このそばかすの魔女。[[CHAPTER III>CHAPTER III with impression]] Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised では、マシューはマリラに「Matthew Cuthbert, I believe that child has bewitched you!」と魔法をかけられたに違いないと言われる。[[CHAPTER VII>CHAPTER VII with impression]] Anne Says Her Prayers にも「this freckled witch」とアンが表現されるけれども、キリスト教をよく知らないという文脈でのwitchなので、異教徒のニュアンスがある。しかし、ここでは、そういう意味はないはず。アンがwitchと言われるのはこの2ヶ所だけ} &br() and although he found it rather difficult for his slower intelligence to keep up with her brisk mental processes he thought that he "kind of liked her chatter." &br() &color(purple){「kind of」(副)[話]幾分、やや、ちょっと。ダブルクォーテーションで囲んで、「魔法」をかけられたのを示すのはわかるのですが、そこに kind of との見慣れない副詞句があるとわかりづらさ倍増。英語の口語を体験として知らないとこうなるのね……} &br() So he said as shyly as usual: "Oh, you can talk as much as you like. I don't mind." "Oh, I'm so glad. I know you and I are going to get along together fine. It's such a relief to talk when one wants to and not be told that children should be seen and not heard. &br() &color(green){「children should be seen and not heard」松本訳注第2章(9) p. 456参照} &br() I've had that said to me a million times if I have once. And people laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?" &br() &color(purple){「big words」大げさな言葉。big wordsを連発するのはアンのおしゃべりの特徴ですが、big words そのものの話題は、意外にも、ここのほかは、[[CHAPTER XXVI with impression]] The Story Club Is Formed と [[CHAPTER XXXI with impression]] Where the Brook and River Meet だけ} &br() "Well now, that seems reasonable," said Matthew. "Mrs. Spencer said that my tongue must be hung in the middle. But it isn't--it's firmly fastened at one end. Mrs. Spencer said your place was named Green Gables. I asked her all about it. And she said there were trees all around it. I was gladder than ever. I just love trees. &color(purple){これは、前章[[CHAPTER I with impression]] Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised で レイチェル夫人が「Trees aren't much company」と言っているのに呼応しているように思います。では、グリーンゲイブルズに住むようになってから、アンがどのように木が好きなのかが具体的に表わされるのは、[[CHAPTER XI with impression]] Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School で、アンは独り言を言っているか木や花に話し掛けると、ジェリー・ブートが話をしていた、というところでしょうか} &br() And there weren't any at all about the asylum, only a few poor weeny-teeny things out in front with little whitewashed cagey things about them. &br() &color(purple){「weeny-teeny」繰り返して音が心地いいコトバ。どちらも(口)でちっちゃい、の意味。teeny は、tinyから、かも} &br() They just looked like orphans themselves, those trees did. It used to make me want to cry to look at them. I used to say to them, `Oh, you POOR little things! If you were out in a great big woods with other trees all around you and little mosses and Junebells growing over your roots &br() &color(green){「Junebells」松本訳注第2章(10) p. 457参照} &br() and a brook not far away and birds singing in you branches, you could grow, couldn't you? But you can't where you are. I know just exactly how you feel, little trees.' I felt sorry to leave them behind this morning. You do get so attached to things like that, don't you? &br() &color(purple){「attached」好きだ} &br() Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables? I forgot to ask Mrs. Spencer that." "Well now, yes, there's one right below the house." "Fancy. &br() &color(purple){「Fancy.」Puffin Books では、Fancy! とエクスクラメーショーンマーク付き。この喜びの言葉は珍しくはないのでしょうか……} &br() It's always been one of my dreams to live near a brook. I never expected I would, though. Dreams don't often come true, do they? Wouldn't it be nice if they did? But just now I feel pretty nearly perfectly happy. I can't feel exactly perfectly happy because--well, what color would you call this?" She twitched one of her long glossy braids over her thin shoulder and held it up before Matthew's eyes. Matthew was not used to deciding on the tints of ladies' tresses, but in this case there couldn't be much doubt. "It's red, ain't it?" he said. &br() &color(purple){「ain't it」ここは、isn't it ではないでしょうか。「正しい」文法なら。と書いてみたのですが念のため辞書を見ると、ain't は am not だけでなく、are [is, have, has] not でもあるようです。話しことばは難しい} &br() The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of the ages. &br() &color(purple){「the ages」積年の、という感じでしょうか} &br() "Yes, it's red," she said resignedly. "Now you see why I can't be perfectly happy. Nobody could who has red hair. &br() &color(green){「Nobody could who has red hair.」松本訳注第2章(11) p. 457参照} &br() I don't mind the other things so much--the freckles and the green eyes and my skinniness. I can imagine them away. I can imagine that I have a beautiful rose-leaf complexion and lovely starry violet eyes. &br() &color(purple){「violet eyes」アンは自分の作ったお話の中で Geraldine Seymour がpurple の眼を持つことにするが、ダイアナにそんな人は見たことがないと付っ込まれる([[CHAPTER XXVI with impression]] The Story Club Is Formed)} &br() But I CANNOT imagine that red hair away. I do my best. I think to myself, `Now my hair is a glorious black, black as the raven's wing.' But all the time I KNOW it is just plain red and it breaks my heart. It will be my lifelong sorrow. I read of a girl once in a novel who had a lifelong sorrow but it wasn't red hair. Her hair was pure gold rippling back from her alabaster brow. &br() &color(green){「brow」松本訳注第2章(12) p. 457参照} &br() What is an alabaster brow? I never could find out. Can you tell me?" "Well now, I'm afraid I can't," said Matthew, who was getting a little dizzy. He felt as he had once felt in his rash youth when another boy had enticed him on the merry-go- round at a picnic. "Well, whatever it was it must have been something nice because she was divinely beautiful. Have you ever imagined what it must feel like to be divinely beautiful?" "Well now, no, I haven't," confessed Matthew ingenuously. "I have, often. Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?" "Well now, I--I don't know exactly." "Neither do I. I can never decide. But it doesn't make much real difference for it isn't likely I'll ever be either. It's certain I'll never be angelically good. Mrs. Spencer says--oh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert!! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert!!!" つづきは[[こちら>CHAPTER II with impression2]] RIGHT:[[CHAPTER I>CHAPTER I with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER II つづき>CHAPTER II with impression2]] RIGHT:8 October 2007 ---- &sup(){*1} ウィキペディアが全て正しいと考えているわけではありません。 とはいえ、写真は有用であること、また、読んでみて、それなりに適切と思う ものはリンクしてもいいと考えています。そこで、いい情報になりそうなもの にはリンクを張りました。ただし、リンク先は時間が経つと変わってしまう可 能性がありますので、ご注意を ---- 今日 &counter(today); | 昨日 &counter(yesterday); | Total &counter(total); since 8 October 2007 RIGHT:last update: &update()

