「CHAPTER XXXIV with impression」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

CHAPTER XXXIV with impression」(2007/07/30 (月) 18:00:02) の最新版変更点



RIGHT:[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER XXXV>CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] CENTER:CHAPTER XXXIV CENTER:A Queen's Girl &br() &color(purple){単数形なので、あくまでもアンのこと、ね} &br() CENTER:第34章 クィーン学院の女子学生(松本訳) The next three weeks were busy ones at Green Gables, for Anne was getting ready to go to Queen's, and there was much sewing to be done, &br() &color(purple){「much sewing to be done」アンやマリラが縫いものをしたのでしょう} &br() and many things to be talked over and arranged. Anne's outfit was ample and pretty, for Matthew saw to that, and Marilla for once made no objections whatever to anything he purchased or suggested. More-- one evening she went up to the east gable with her arms full of a delicate pale green material. &br() &color(purple){「material」まだ、材料でしかない} &br() "Anne, here's something for a nice light dress for you. I don't suppose you really need it; you've plenty of pretty waists; but I thought maybe you'd like something real dressy to wear if you were asked out anywhere of an evening in town, to a party or anything like that. I hear that Jane and Ruby and Josie have got `evening dresses,' as they call them, and I don't mean you shall be behind them. &br() &color(purple){「I don't mean you shall be behind them」マリラは見栄っ張りのところがある。アラン牧師夫妻を迎えた tea のときもそう(「Marilla was determined not to be eclipsed by any of the Avonlea housekeepers.」「"Well, do as you like," said Marilla, who was quite determined not to be surpassed by Mrs. Barry or anybody else.」[[CHAPTER XXI with impression]] A New Departure in Flavorings )。次の文でアラン夫人が出てくるのは、マリラの見栄っ張りを読者に思い出させるための仕組みかもしれません} &br() I got Mrs. Allan to help me pick it in town last week, and we'll get Emily Gillis to make it for you. &br() &color(purple){「we'll」willとなっているからには、これから頼みに行く。weだからアラン夫人もマリラと一緒に頼みに行くことになっているのでしょう、きっと} &br() Emily has got taste, and her fits aren't to be equaled." "Oh, Marilla, it's just lovely," said Anne. "Thank you so much. I don't believe you ought to be so kind to me--it's making it harder every day for me to go away." &br() &color(purple){「it's making it」はじめの it は、マリラの親切(具体的にどれを差すのかよくわからない)。つぎの it は(いわゆる)仮主語(あ、これは主語じゃないかな)} &br() The green dress was made up with as many tucks and frills and shirrings as Emily's taste permitted. Anne put it on one evening for Matthew's and Marilla's benefit, and recited "The Maiden's Vow" for them in the kitchen. &br() &color(purple){「in the kitchen」Mary, Queen of Scots を納屋で聞かせてくれとマシューに言われて興醒めになったことがありましが(「"Well now, you might recite it for me some of these days, out in the barn," suggested Matthew.」[[CHAPTER XXIV with impression]] Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert)、今回はキッチンでのリサイタル。もちろんホワイトサンズホテルで演じたもの} &br() As Marilla watched the bright, animated face and graceful motions her thoughts went back to the evening Anne had arrived at Green Gables, and memory recalled a vivid picture of the odd, frightened child in her preposterous yellowish-brown wincey dress, the heartbreak looking out of her tearful eyes. Something in the memory brought tears to Marilla's own eyes. "I declare, my recitation has made you cry, Marilla," said Anne gaily stooping over Marilla's chair to drop a butterfly kiss on that lady's cheek. "Now, I call that a positive triumph." "No, I wasn't crying over your piece," said Marilla, who would have scorned to be betrayed into such weakness by any poetry stuff. "I just couldn't help thinking of the little girl you used to be, Anne. And I was wishing you could have stayed a little girl, even with all your queer ways. You've grown up now and you're going away; and you look so tall and stylish and so--so--different altogether in that dress--as if you didn't belong in Avonlea at all-- and I just got lonesome thinking it all over." &br() &color(purple){ここは、アンがあまりに朗らかなので、マリラの心境を思うと泣けてくるところ} &br() "Marilla!" Anne sat down on Marilla's gingham lap, &br() &color(purple){「on Marilla's gingham lap」重くはないのかっ、アン!いくらスリムでも40kgはあるでしょうに。ということで、どん、と乗っかってしまったのではなく、あくまで自分の足で体重は支えていたと信じたい} &br() took Marilla's lined face between her hands, and looked gravely and tenderly into Marilla's eyes. "I'm not a bit changed-- not really. &br() &color(purple){「I'm not a bit changed--not really.」と言えるようになったとき、子は親離れできたことになる} &br() I'm only just pruned down and branched out. &br() &color(purple){「prune down」枝を払う、「branch out」枝を伸ばす} &br() The real ME--back here--is just the same. It won't make a bit of difference where I go or how much I change outwardly; at heart I shall always be your little Anne, who will love you and Matthew and dear Green Gables more and better every day of her life." &br() &color(purple){「her life」ここでは、Anneを関係代名詞 whoで受けていて、そのwhoの所有格なので、myではなく、herになっている} &br() Anne laid her fresh young cheek against Marilla's faded one, and reached out a hand to pat Matthew's shoulder. Marilla would have given much just then to have possessed Anne's power of putting her feelings into words; but nature and habit had willed it otherwise, and she could only put her arms close about her girl and hold her tenderly to her heart, wishing that she need never let her go. &br() &color(purple){マリラがしゃべりすぎないのがいいと思うのは、日本人だから、かしら} &br() Matthew, with a suspicious moisture in his eyes, got up and went out-of-doors. Under the stars of the blue summer night he walked agitatedly across the yard to the gate under the poplars. "Well now, I guess she ain't been much spoiled," he muttered, proudly. "I guess my putting in my oar occasional never did much harm after all. &br() &color(purple){「oar」口を出す、というときには、オールを使う、ようです。have an oar in every man's boat だれのことにも口を出す} &br() She's smart and pretty, and loving, too, which is better than all the rest. &br() &color(purple){smart(賢さ)やpretty(外見)よりもloving(感情/心)をマシューはアンの美点と考えている。(たぶん)読者も賛同するところ} &br() She's been a blessing to us, and there never was a luckier mistake than what Mrs. Spencer made--if it WAS luck. I don't believe it was any such thing. It was Providence, because the Almighty saw we needed her, I reckon." &br() &color(purple){運ではなく、神意であり、神様がわたしたちにアンを必要としていたと見ぬいていたのだ。アンがはじめてグリーンゲイブルズに来たとき、マシューはわしらがアンに役立つかもしれない、と思わず言ってしまいました("We might be some good to her," said Matthew suddenly and unexpectedly. [[CHAPTER III with impression]] Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised)。しかし、結果として、アンがマシューとマリラのふたりに必要な人だった、とコトバで意識を表わす場面に、ここはなっています。なお、Puffin Books版では、WASは小文字で斜字体} &br() The day finally came when Anne must go to town. She and Matthew drove in one fine September morning, after a tearful parting with Diana and an untearful practical one-- on Marilla's side at least--with Marilla. But when Anne had gone Diana dried her tears and went to a beach picnic at White Sands with some of her Carmody cousins, where she contrived to enjoy herself tolerably well; while Marilla plunged fiercely into unnecessary work &br() &color(purple){「unnecessary work」感情が整理できないときのマリラの癖、ですね。[[CHAPTER XIV with impression]] Anne's Confession でも、Marilla worked fiercely and scrubbed the porch floor and the dairy shelves when she could find nothing else to do. Neither the shelves nor the porch needed it--but Marilla did. ということがありました} &br() and kept at it all day long with the bitterest kind of heartache--the ache that burns and gnaws and cannot wash itself away in ready tears. But that night, when Marilla went to bed, acutely and miserably conscious that the little gable room at the end of the hall was untenanted by any vivid young life and unstirred by any soft breathing, she buried her face in her pillow, and wept for her girl in a passion of sobs that appalled her when she grew calm enough to reflect how very wicked it must be to take on so about a sinful fellow creature. &br() &color(purple){「a sinful fellow creature」文面上はアンが sinful ということになりますが、(たぶん)キリスト教では人間はすべてsinfulであるので、アンを特に非難しているわけではない} &br() Anne and the rest of the Avonlea scholars reached town just in time to hurry off to the Academy. &br() &color(purple){「reached town just in time」何時集合かはわかりませんが、昼からとしても、アヴォンリーをかなり早く出発したはず。[[CHAPTER XXIX with impression]] An Epoch in Anne's Life では、As Charlottetown was thirty miles away and Mr. Barry wished to go and return the same day, it was necessary to make a very early start. とあるので} &br() That first day passed pleasantly enough in a whirl of excitement, meeting all the new students, learning to know the professors by sight and being assorted and organized into classes. Anne intended taking up the Second Year work being advised to do so by Miss Stacy; &br() &color(purple){「taking up the Second Year work」直訳すれば、「2年目の勉強も履修する」。なので、後で説明があるように、2年ではなく、1年でFirst Classの教員免許が取得できる。標準では1年履修するとSecond Class Licenceが取得でき、それに加え、さらにwork(標準では2年目に取得する:アンはこれも1年目に履修することにした)の単位を取得するとFirst Class Licenceが取得できる、という仕組みなのがわかる。なお、松本訳では、(たぶん、混乱のないように)アンのような履修をすることを「第一課程に入る」と訳している。これは、「Second Class work」(すこし後ででてくる)を第二課程と訳すこととして、それに対応させるためでしょう} &br() Gilbert Blythe elected to do the same. This meant getting a First Class teacher's license in one year instead of two, if they were successful; but it also meant much more and harder work. Jane, Ruby, Josie, Charlie, and Moody Spurgeon, not being troubled with the stirrings of ambition, were content to take up the Second Class work. &br() &color(purple){「the Second Class work」直訳すれば、「二級免許のための勉強」。the があることから、すでに話題になったこと、または、既知のことであり、それはつまり教員免許のworkのこと} &br() Anne was conscious of a pang of loneliness when she found herself in a room with fifty other students, not one of whom she knew, except the tall, brown-haired boy across the room; and knowing him in the fashion she did, did not help her much, &br() &color(purple){「did not help her much」それは君次第でしょう、アン} &br() as she reflected pessimistically. Yet she was undeniably glad that they were in the same class; the old rivalry could still be carried on, and Anne would hardly have known what to do if it had been lacking. "I wouldn't feel comfortable without it," &br() &color(purple){「wouldn't」仮定法。「without it」ならば、心地よくないだろう。ちょっとひねくれていやしませんか、アン} &br() she thought. "Gilbert looks awfully determined. I suppose he's making up his mind, here and now, to win the medal. &br() &color(purple){「the medal」the と定冠詞ですが、はじめて出てきています。ということは、the medalはクィーン学院の学生には「常識」として知られている、または、カナダのacademy(専門学校?)ではメダルの授与がふつうにあったことを意味する(そう理解させたい)のでしょう。この章でも後でもう少し話明がでてきますが、あまり説明らしい説明ではないので、読者に「既知」なのを前提としているのでしょう} &br() What a splendid chin he has! I never noticed it before. I do wish Jane and Ruby had gone in for First Class, too. I suppose I won't feel so much like a cat in a strange garret when I get acquainted, though. I wonder which of the girls here are going to be my friends. It's really an interesting speculation. Of course I promised Diana that no Queen's girl, no matter how much I liked her, should ever be as dear to me as she is; but I've lots of second-best affections to bestow. I like the look of that girl with the brown eyes and the crimson waist. She looks vivid and red-rosy; &br() &color(purple){「rosy」有望な、明るい、楽観的な、の意味もある。もちろん、バラのような、の意味がここでは適切ですが、言葉の広がりかたとして} &br() there's that pale, fair one gazing out of the window. &br() &color(purple){「fair」公正な,有望なの意味もある。もちろん、金髪、色白、青い目、の意味がここでは適切ですが、言葉の広がりかたとして} &br() She has lovely hair, and looks as if she knew a thing or two about dreams. I'd like to know them both--know them well--well enough to walk with my arm about their waists, and call them nicknames. But just now I don't know them and they don't know me, and probably don't want to know me particularly. Oh, it's lonesome!" It was lonesomer still when Anne found herself alone in her hall bedroom that night at twilight. She was not to board with the other girls, who all had relatives in town to take pity on them. Miss Josephine Barry would have liked to board her, but Beechwood was so far from the Academy that it was out of the question; &br() &color(purple){「Beechwood was so far from the Academy」試験のときは、お昼ご飯を食べに戻っていますが(「At noon we went home for dinner and then back again for history in the afternoon.」[[CHAPTER XXXII with impression]] The Pass List Is Out)、馬車で移動したのかしら???} &br() so miss Barry hunted up a boarding-house, assuring Matthew and Marilla that it was the very place for Anne. "The lady who keeps it is a reduced gentlewoman," explained Miss Barry. "Her husband was a British officer, and she is very careful what sort of boarders she takes. Anne will not meet with any objectionable persons under her roof. The table is good, and the house is near the Academy, in a quiet neighborhood." All this might be quite true, and indeed, proved to be so, but it did not materially help Anne in the first agony of homesickness that seized upon her. She looked dismally about her narrow little room, with its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book- case; &br() &color(purple){「its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book-case」アンの部屋とは違うところを強調。もちろん、淋しいときは、違いだけが気になるものです} &br() and a horrible choke came into her throat as she thought of her own white room at Green Gables, where she would have the pleasant consciousness of a great green still outdoors, of sweet peas growing in the garden, and moonlight falling on the orchard, of the brook below the slope and the spruce boughs tossing in the night wind beyond it, of a vast starry sky, and the light from Diana's window shining out through the gap in the trees. &br() &color(purple){やはり自然が気になる、アンでした} &br() Here there was nothing of this; Anne knew that outside of her window was a hard street, &br() &color(purple){「a hard street」舗装した道路。舗装そのものは近代のものではなく、かなり古くからある。してあるかどうかは別} &br() with a network of telephone wires shutting out the sky, &br() &color(green){「with a network of telephone wires shutting out the sky」松本訳注第34章(1) p. 527参照} &br() the tramp of alien feet, &br() &color(green){「the tramp of alien feet」松本訳注第34章(2) p. 528参照} &br() and a thousand lights gleaming on stranger faces. &br() &color(green){「a thousand lights gleaming」松本訳注第34章(3) p. 528参照} &br() &color(purple){このあたり「[[クイーン学院に入学するときのシャーロットタウンの様子>http://www34.atwiki.jp/pyopyo0124/pages/12.html#id_e396af11]]」もどうぞ} &br() She knew that she was going to cry, and fought against it. "I WON'T cry. &br() &color(purple){あとでジェーンも泣いたと言いますが、毎週帰れるのに([[CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] The Winter at Queen's)、ホームシックになってしまうのは、ひとつは新しい学校の環境(友人、知人が少ない:これはアヴォンリーのように全員のことをよく知っている環境から移った人にはかなり不安がでるはず)。もうひとつは、毎週帰れるとはいえ、電話で話ができるわけでもない状況。淋しさが強くなるのは当然でしょう} &br() It's silly--and weak--there's the third tear splashing down by my nose. There are more coming! I must think of something funny to stop them. But there's nothing funny except what is connected with Avonlea, and that only makes things worse--four--five--I'm going home next Friday, but that seems a hundred years away. &br() &color(purple){「a hundred years away」おおげさな!} &br() Oh, Matthew is nearly home by now-- &br() &color(purple){「Matthew is nearly home by now」「マシューは家に着くころね。」シャーロットタウンからアヴォンリーまでは半日かかる。松本訳では「ああ、今頃、マシューは、そろそろ畑から家に戻る頃ね」(p. 404)としていて普段の生活を思い出していると解釈している。is だからどちらも可でしょう} &br() and Marilla is at the gate, looking down the lane for him--six--seven--eight-- oh, there's no use in counting them! They're coming in a flood presently. I can't cheer up--I don't WANT to cheer up. It's nicer to be miserable!" The flood of tears would have come, no doubt, had not Josie Pye appeared at that moment. &br() &color(purple){「had not Josie Pye appeared」= if Josie Pye had not appeared 仮定法} &br() In the joy of seeing a familiar face Anne forgot that there had never been much love lost between her and Josie. As a part of Avonlea life even a Pye was welcome. "I'm so glad you came up," Anne said sincerely. "You've been crying," remarked Josie, with aggravating pity. "I suppose you're homesick--some people have so little self-control in that respect. I've no intention of being homesick, I can tell you. Town's too jolly after that poky old Avonlea. I wonder how I ever existed there so long. You shouldn't cry, Anne; it isn't becoming, for your nose and eyes get red, and then you seem ALL red. &br() &color(purple){「you seem ALL red」鼻と目が赤くなったら、髪が赤いのだから全部赤になる。ここまでいじわるなことどうして考えつくのでしょう???} &br() I'd a perfectly scrumptious time in the Academy today. Our French professor is simply a duck. &br() &color(purple){「a duck」かわいい人。鳥のカモ/アヒル。後ろ参照} &br() His moustache would give you kerwollowps of the heart. Have you anything eatable around, Anne? I'm literally starving. Ah, I guessed likely Marilla'd load you up with cake. That's why I called round. Otherwise I'd have gone to the park to hear the band play with Frank Stockley. He boards same place as I do, &br() &color(purple){「He boards same place as I do」ジョージーは親戚のところに下宿しているはずですが(She was not to board with the other girls, who all had relatives in town to take pity on them. 少し上のほうにあります)、フランク・ストックリーも下宿しているということはジョージーの親戚は下宿屋をやっているんでしょうか} &br() and he's a sport. &br() &color(purple){「a sport」いいやつ。プレイボーイ} &br() He noticed you in class today, and asked me who the red-headed girl was. I told him you were an orphan that the Cuthberts had adopted, and nobody knew very much about what you'd been before that." &br() &color(purple){「you were an orphan that the Cuthberts had adopted, and nobody knew very much about what you'd been before that」事実ではある。しかし、事実のうち何を相手に伝えるかによって、話し手の心が出る。ジョージーは、まったく……} &br() Anne was wondering if, after all, solitude and tears were not more satisfactory than Josie Pye's companionship when Jane and Ruby appeared, each with an inch of Queen's color ribbon--purple and scarlet--pinned proudly to her coat. As Josie was not "speaking" to Jane just then she had to subside into comparative harmlessness. "Well," said Jane with a sigh, "I feel as if I'd lived many moons since the morning. &br() &color(purple){「moons」monthsではなくmoonsといってるところが、ちょっと気どっているというか、はずかしさを隠しているというか} &br() I ought to be home studying my Virgil-- &br() &color(green){「Virgil」松本訳注第34章(4) p. 528参照} &br() &color(purple){松本訳の注によると Virgil はラテン語。ジェーンはラテン語が不得意だったはずなのに予習しなくていいの?と突っこみたくなるような話になっている。(Mine is geometry of course, and Jane's is Latin, and Ruby and Charlie's is algebra, and Josie's is arithmetic. [[CHAPTER XXXI with impression]] Where the Brook and River Meet)} &br() that horrid old professor gave us twenty lines to start in on tomorrow. But I simply couldn't settle down to study tonight. Anne, methinks I see the traces of tears. &br() &color(purple){「methink」[古]私には思われる。古い言葉を使っているので、この内容では、ジョーシーと違ってジェーンがアンに対してやわらかく気遣いのある言い方をしている。しかも、少しあとに、わたしも泣いてたの、と言っているし} &br() If you've been crying DO own up. It will restore my self-respect, for I was shedding tears freely before Ruby came along. I don't mind being a goose so much if somebody else is goosey, too. &br() &color(purple){「goose」ばか、弱虫。家禽のガチョウ、野生の鳥のガン。弱虫といった感じの言葉はいくつもあると思われるのに goose を使ったのは、上でジョージーがフランス語の教授を duck と言ったらでしょうね(逆に goose を使ったので上で duck としたのかもしれません)} &br() Cake? &br() &color(purple){「Cake?」おしゃべりをしている間にマリラが持たせてくれたケーキをアンは出してきたようです} &br() You'll give me a teeny piece, won't you? &br() &color(purple){「teeny」[話]ちっちゃい(tiny)} &br() Thank you. It has the real Avonlea flavor." Ruby, perceiving the Queen's calendar lying on the table, wanted to know if Anne meant to try for the gold medal. Anne blushed and admitted she was thinking of it. "Oh, that reminds me," said Josie, &br() &color(purple){なんだかんだといってもジョージーも役に立つことを言う} &br() "Queen's is to get one of the Avery scholarships after all. The word came today. Frank Stockley told me--his uncle is one of the board of governors, you know. It will be announced in the Academy tomorrow." An Avery scholarship! Anne felt her heart beat more quickly, and the horizons of her ambition shifted and broadened as if by magic. Before Josie had told the news Anne's highest pinnacle of aspiration had been a teacher's provincial license, &br() &color(purple){「a teacher's provincial license」教員免許は州が出すことがわかる。現在の日本では各都道府県の教育委員会} &br() First Class, at the end of the year, and perhaps the medal! But now in one moment Anne saw herself winning the Avery scholarship, taking an Arts course at Redmond College, &br() &color(purple){「an Arts course」村岡訳では、「芸術科」と訳していますが、ここは文学のコースと考えるのが適当でしょう。arts の意味は広いので。芸術科なら、fine artsのような感じかしら。松本訳では「文学部」} &br() &color(green){「Redmond College」松本訳注第34章(5) p. 528参照} &br() and graduating in a gown and mortar board, &br() &color(purple){「a gown and mortar board」ガウンと角帽。イギリスとその植民地だった国の大学では卒業式はガウンと房のついた角帽(ほかの西洋の国はよくわかりません)。mortar boardはモルタルの練り板、こて板の意味もある。関連性がよくわからない、似ているからとの説明のある辞書もある。コテ板と……似ているかなあ} &br() before the echo of Josie's words had died away. For the Avery scholarship was in English, and Anne felt that here her foot was on native heath. &br() &color(green){「her foot was on native heath」松本訳注第34章(6) p. 529参照} &br() A wealthy manufacturer of New Brunswick had died and left part of his fortune to endow a large number of scholarships to be distributed among the various high schools and academies of the Maritime Provinces, &br() &color(green){「the Maritime Provinces」松本訳注第34章(7) p. 529参照} &br() according to their respective standings. There had been much doubt whether one would be allotted to Queen's, but the matter was settled at last, and at the end of the year the graduate who made the highest mark in English and English Literature would win the scholarship-- two hundred and fifty dollars a year for four years at Redmond College. &br() &color(purple){「An Avery scholarship」エイヴリー奨学金:この「赤毛のアン」ではレイモンド大学の文学専攻に進学する人に毎年250ドル、4年間与えられることになっています。この奨学金の名前にちなんで、プリンスエドワード島大学(Univerisity of Prince Edward Island)では、英語専攻の学生1人を選び、1年間1,000ドルをエイヴリー奨学金として授与しています} &br() &color(purple){プリンスエドワード島大学は、クィーン学院のモデルとなった Prince of Walse College(当時は学士号の授与権はなかった:1960年代になって)と、同じくシャーロットタウンにあったSt. Dunstan’s University(1914年より学位授与できるようになった)が合併したもののようです。いずれにせよアンがクィーン学院に入学したときは、クィーンは「大学」ではなかったので、BAを取るためには進学しなくてはならなかったわけです} &br() No wonder that Anne went to bed that night with tingling cheeks! "I'll win that scholarship if hard work can do it," she resolved. "Wouldn't Matthew be proud if I got to be a B.A.? &br() &color(purple){「B.A.」Bachelor of Arts。無理矢理訳すと文学士。文系の学士号はB.A.(ビーエイ)で、理系の学士号がB.Sc.(ビーエスシー:Bachelor of Science)であって、(ほかにもあるかもしれないけれど)この2種類が広くカバーしているようです。なので、文学士と訳すと狭すぎのきらいがある場合もありますが、ここでは英語学/英文学の専攻なので文学士は適切。なお、現在の日本では学士(○○)と日本語で表記し、かっこの中の○○はバラエティに富んでいます(富みすぎってほどあります)} &br() Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting." RIGHT:[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER XXXV>CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] RIGHT:29 July 2007 RIGHT:30 July 2007 微修正 ---- 今日 &counter(today); | 昨日 &counter(yesterday); | Total &counter(total); since 29 July 2007 RIGHT:last update: &update()
RIGHT:[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER XXXV>CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] CENTER:CHAPTER XXXIV CENTER:A Queen's Girl &br() &color(purple){単数形なので、あくまでもアンのこと、ね} &br() CENTER:第34章 クィーン学院の女子学生(松本訳) The next three weeks were busy ones at Green Gables, for Anne was getting ready to go to Queen's, and there was much sewing to be done, &br() &color(purple){「much sewing to be done」アンやマリラが縫いものをしたのでしょう} &br() and many things to be talked over and arranged. Anne's outfit was ample and pretty, for Matthew saw to that, and Marilla for once made no objections whatever to anything he purchased or suggested. More-- one evening she went up to the east gable with her arms full of a delicate pale green material. &br() &color(purple){「material」まだ、材料でしかない} &br() "Anne, here's something for a nice light dress for you. I don't suppose you really need it; you've plenty of pretty waists; but I thought maybe you'd like something real dressy to wear if you were asked out anywhere of an evening in town, to a party or anything like that. I hear that Jane and Ruby and Josie have got `evening dresses,' as they call them, and I don't mean you shall be behind them. &br() &color(purple){「I don't mean you shall be behind them」マリラは見栄っ張りのところがある。アラン牧師夫妻を迎えた tea のときもそう(「Marilla was determined not to be eclipsed by any of the Avonlea housekeepers.」「"Well, do as you like," said Marilla, who was quite determined not to be surpassed by Mrs. Barry or anybody else.」[[CHAPTER XXI with impression]] A New Departure in Flavorings )。次の文でアラン夫人が出てくるのは、マリラの見栄っ張りを読者に思い出させるための仕組みかもしれません} &br() I got Mrs. Allan to help me pick it in town last week, and we'll get Emily Gillis to make it for you. &br() &color(purple){「we'll」willとなっているからには、これから頼みに行く。weだからアラン夫人もマリラと一緒に頼みに行くことになっているのでしょう、きっと} &br() Emily has got taste, and her fits aren't to be equaled." "Oh, Marilla, it's just lovely," said Anne. "Thank you so much. I don't believe you ought to be so kind to me--it's making it harder every day for me to go away." &br() &color(purple){「it's making it」はじめの it は、マリラの親切(具体的にどれを差すのかよくわからない)。つぎの it は(いわゆる)仮主語(あ、これは主語じゃないかな)} &br() The green dress was made up with as many tucks and frills and shirrings as Emily's taste permitted. Anne put it on one evening for Matthew's and Marilla's benefit, and recited "The Maiden's Vow" for them in the kitchen. &br() &color(purple){「in the kitchen」Mary, Queen of Scots を納屋で聞かせてくれとマシューに言われて興醒めになったことがありましが(「"Well now, you might recite it for me some of these days, out in the barn," suggested Matthew.」[[CHAPTER XXIV with impression]] Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert)、今回はキッチンでのリサイタル。もちろんホワイトサンズホテルで演じたもの} &br() As Marilla watched the bright, animated face and graceful motions her thoughts went back to the evening Anne had arrived at Green Gables, and memory recalled a vivid picture of the odd, frightened child in her preposterous yellowish-brown wincey dress, the heartbreak looking out of her tearful eyes. Something in the memory brought tears to Marilla's own eyes. "I declare, my recitation has made you cry, Marilla," said Anne gaily stooping over Marilla's chair to drop a butterfly kiss on that lady's cheek. "Now, I call that a positive triumph." "No, I wasn't crying over your piece," said Marilla, who would have scorned to be betrayed into such weakness by any poetry stuff. "I just couldn't help thinking of the little girl you used to be, Anne. And I was wishing you could have stayed a little girl, even with all your queer ways. You've grown up now and you're going away; and you look so tall and stylish and so--so--different altogether in that dress--as if you didn't belong in Avonlea at all-- and I just got lonesome thinking it all over." &br() &color(purple){ここは、アンがあまりに朗らかなので、マリラの心境を思うと泣けてくるところ} &br() "Marilla!" Anne sat down on Marilla's gingham lap, &br() &color(purple){「on Marilla's gingham lap」重くはないのかっ、アン!いくらスリムでも40kgはあるでしょうに。ということで、どん、と乗っかってしまったのではなく、あくまで自分の足で体重は支えていたと信じたい} &br() took Marilla's lined face between her hands, and looked gravely and tenderly into Marilla's eyes. "I'm not a bit changed-- not really. &br() &color(purple){「I'm not a bit changed--not really.」と言えるようになったとき、子は親離れできたことになる} &br() I'm only just pruned down and branched out. &br() &color(purple){「prune down」枝を払う、「branch out」枝を伸ばす} &br() The real ME--back here--is just the same. It won't make a bit of difference where I go or how much I change outwardly; at heart I shall always be your little Anne, who will love you and Matthew and dear Green Gables more and better every day of her life." &br() &color(purple){「her life」ここでは、Anneを関係代名詞 whoで受けていて、そのwhoの所有格なので、myではなく、herになっている} &br() Anne laid her fresh young cheek against Marilla's faded one, and reached out a hand to pat Matthew's shoulder. Marilla would have given much just then to have possessed Anne's power of putting her feelings into words; but nature and habit had willed it otherwise, and she could only put her arms close about her girl and hold her tenderly to her heart, wishing that she need never let her go. &br() &color(purple){マリラがしゃべりすぎないのがいいと思うのは、日本人だから、かしら} &br() Matthew, with a suspicious moisture in his eyes, got up and went out-of-doors. Under the stars of the blue summer night he walked agitatedly across the yard to the gate under the poplars. "Well now, I guess she ain't been much spoiled," he muttered, proudly. "I guess my putting in my oar occasional never did much harm after all. &br() &color(purple){「oar」口を出す、というときには、オールを使う、ようです。have an oar in every man's boat だれのことにも口を出す} &br() She's smart and pretty, and loving, too, which is better than all the rest. &br() &color(purple){smart(賢さ)やpretty(外見)よりもloving(感情/心)をマシューはアンの美点と考えている。(たぶん)読者も賛同するところ} &br() She's been a blessing to us, and there never was a luckier mistake than what Mrs. Spencer made--if it WAS luck. I don't believe it was any such thing. It was Providence, because the Almighty saw we needed her, I reckon." &br() &color(purple){運ではなく、神意であり、神様がわたしたちにアンを必要としていたと見ぬいていたのだ。アンがはじめてグリーンゲイブルズに来たとき、マシューはわしらがアンに役立つかもしれない、と思わず言ってしまいました("We might be some good to her," said Matthew suddenly and unexpectedly. [[CHAPTER III with impression]] Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised)。しかし、結果として、アンがマシューとマリラのふたりに必要な人だった、とコトバで意識を表わす場面に、ここはなっています。なお、Puffin Books版では、WASは小文字で斜字体} &br() The day finally came when Anne must go to town. She and Matthew drove in one fine September morning, after a tearful parting with Diana and an untearful practical one-- on Marilla's side at least--with Marilla. But when Anne had gone Diana dried her tears and went to a beach picnic at White Sands with some of her Carmody cousins, where she contrived to enjoy herself tolerably well; while Marilla plunged fiercely into unnecessary work &br() &color(purple){「unnecessary work」感情が整理できないときのマリラの癖、ですね。[[CHAPTER XIV with impression]] Anne's Confession でも、Marilla worked fiercely and scrubbed the porch floor and the dairy shelves when she could find nothing else to do. Neither the shelves nor the porch needed it--but Marilla did. ということがありました} &br() and kept at it all day long with the bitterest kind of heartache--the ache that burns and gnaws and cannot wash itself away in ready tears. But that night, when Marilla went to bed, acutely and miserably conscious that the little gable room at the end of the hall was untenanted by any vivid young life and unstirred by any soft breathing, she buried her face in her pillow, and wept for her girl in a passion of sobs that appalled her when she grew calm enough to reflect how very wicked it must be to take on so about a sinful fellow creature. &br() &color(purple){「a sinful fellow creature」文面上はアンが sinful ということになりますが、(たぶん)キリスト教では人間はすべてsinfulであるので、アンを特に非難しているわけではない} &br() Anne and the rest of the Avonlea scholars reached town just in time to hurry off to the Academy. &br() &color(purple){「reached town just in time」何時集合かはわかりませんが、昼からとしても、アヴォンリーをかなり早く出発したはず。[[CHAPTER XXIX with impression]] An Epoch in Anne's Life では、As Charlottetown was thirty miles away and Mr. Barry wished to go and return the same day, it was necessary to make a very early start. とあるので} &br() That first day passed pleasantly enough in a whirl of excitement, meeting all the new students, learning to know the professors by sight and being assorted and organized into classes. Anne intended taking up the Second Year work being advised to do so by Miss Stacy; &br() &color(purple){「taking up the Second Year work」直訳すれば、「2年目の勉強も履修する」。なので、後で説明があるように、2年ではなく、1年でFirst Classの教員免許が取得できる。標準では1年履修するとSecond Class Licenceが取得でき、それに加え、さらにwork(標準では2年目に取得する:アンはこれも1年目に履修することにした)の単位を取得するとFirst Class Licenceが取得できる、という仕組みなのがわかる。なお、松本訳では、(たぶん、混乱のないように)アンのような履修をすることを「第一課程に入る」と訳している。これは、「Second Class work」(すこし後ででてくる)を第二課程と訳すこととして、それに対応させるためでしょう} &br() Gilbert Blythe elected to do the same. This meant getting a First Class teacher's license in one year instead of two, if they were successful; but it also meant much more and harder work. Jane, Ruby, Josie, Charlie, and Moody Spurgeon, not being troubled with the stirrings of ambition, were content to take up the Second Class work. &br() &color(purple){「the Second Class work」直訳すれば、「二級免許のための勉強」。the があることから、すでに話題になったこと、または、既知のことであり、それはつまり教員免許のworkのこと} &br() Anne was conscious of a pang of loneliness when she found herself in a room with fifty other students, not one of whom she knew, except the tall, brown-haired boy across the room; and knowing him in the fashion she did, did not help her much, &br() &color(purple){「did not help her much」それは君次第でしょう、アン} &br() as she reflected pessimistically. Yet she was undeniably glad that they were in the same class; the old rivalry could still be carried on, and Anne would hardly have known what to do if it had been lacking. "I wouldn't feel comfortable without it," &br() &color(purple){「wouldn't」仮定法。「without it」ならば、心地よくないだろう。ちょっとひねくれていやしませんか、アン} &br() she thought. "Gilbert looks awfully determined. I suppose he's making up his mind, here and now, to win the medal. &br() &color(purple){「the medal」the と定冠詞ですが、はじめて出てきています。ということは、the medalはクィーン学院の学生には「常識」として知られている、または、カナダのacademy(専門学校?)ではメダルの授与がふつうにあったことを意味する(そう理解させたい)のでしょう。この章でも後でもう少し話明がでてきますが、あまり説明らしい説明ではないので、読者に「既知」なのを前提としているのでしょう} &br() What a splendid chin he has! I never noticed it before. I do wish Jane and Ruby had gone in for First Class, too. I suppose I won't feel so much like a cat in a strange garret when I get acquainted, though. I wonder which of the girls here are going to be my friends. It's really an interesting speculation. Of course I promised Diana that no Queen's girl, no matter how much I liked her, should ever be as dear to me as she is; but I've lots of second-best affections to bestow. I like the look of that girl with the brown eyes and the crimson waist. She looks vivid and red-rosy; &br() &color(purple){「rosy」有望な、明るい、楽観的な、の意味もある。もちろん、バラのような、の意味がここでは適切ですが、言葉の広がりかたとして} &br() there's that pale, fair one gazing out of the window. &br() &color(purple){「fair」公正な,有望なの意味もある。もちろん、金髪、色白、青い目、の意味がここでは適切ですが、言葉の広がりかたとして} &br() She has lovely hair, and looks as if she knew a thing or two about dreams. I'd like to know them both--know them well--well enough to walk with my arm about their waists, and call them nicknames. But just now I don't know them and they don't know me, and probably don't want to know me particularly. Oh, it's lonesome!" It was lonesomer still when Anne found herself alone in her hall bedroom that night at twilight. She was not to board with the other girls, who all had relatives in town to take pity on them. Miss Josephine Barry would have liked to board her, but Beechwood was so far from the Academy that it was out of the question; &br() &color(purple){「Beechwood was so far from the Academy」試験のときは、お昼ご飯を食べに戻っていますが(「At noon we went home for dinner and then back again for history in the afternoon.」[[CHAPTER XXXII with impression]] The Pass List Is Out)、馬車で移動したのかしら???} &br() so miss Barry hunted up a boarding-house, assuring Matthew and Marilla that it was the very place for Anne. "The lady who keeps it is a reduced gentlewoman," explained Miss Barry. "Her husband was a British officer, and she is very careful what sort of boarders she takes. Anne will not meet with any objectionable persons under her roof. The table is good, and the house is near the Academy, in a quiet neighborhood." All this might be quite true, and indeed, proved to be so, but it did not materially help Anne in the first agony of homesickness that seized upon her. She looked dismally about her narrow little room, with its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book- case; &br() &color(purple){「its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book-case」アンの部屋とは違うところを強調。もちろん、淋しいときは、違いだけが気になるものです} &br() and a horrible choke came into her throat as she thought of her own white room at Green Gables, where she would have the pleasant consciousness of a great green still outdoors, of sweet peas growing in the garden, and moonlight falling on the orchard, of the brook below the slope and the spruce boughs tossing in the night wind beyond it, of a vast starry sky, and the light from Diana's window shining out through the gap in the trees. &br() &color(purple){やはり自然が気になる、アンでした} &br() Here there was nothing of this; Anne knew that outside of her window was a hard street, &br() &color(purple){「a hard street」舗装した道路。舗装そのものは近代のものではなく、かなり古くからある。してあるかどうかは別} &br() with a network of telephone wires shutting out the sky, &br() &color(green){「with a network of telephone wires shutting out the sky」松本訳注第34章(1) p. 527参照} &br() the tramp of alien feet, &br() &color(green){「the tramp of alien feet」松本訳注第34章(2) p. 528参照} &br() and a thousand lights gleaming on stranger faces. &br() &color(green){「a thousand lights gleaming」松本訳注第34章(3) p. 528参照} &br() &color(purple){このあたり「[[クイーン学院に入学するときのシャーロットタウンの様子>http://www34.atwiki.jp/pyopyo0124/pages/12.html#id_e396af11]]」もどうぞ} &br() She knew that she was going to cry, and fought against it. "I WON'T cry. &br() &color(purple){あとでジェーンも泣いたと言いますが、毎週帰れるのに([[CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] The Winter at Queen's)、ホームシックになってしまうのは、ひとつは新しい学校の環境(友人、知人が少ない:これはアヴォンリーのように全員のことをよく知っている環境から移った人にはかなり不安がでるはず)。もうひとつは、毎週帰れるとはいえ、電話で話ができるわけでもない状況。淋しさが強くなるのは当然でしょう} &br() It's silly--and weak--there's the third tear splashing down by my nose. There are more coming! I must think of something funny to stop them. But there's nothing funny except what is connected with Avonlea, and that only makes things worse--four--five--I'm going home next Friday, but that seems a hundred years away. &br() &color(purple){「a hundred years away」おおげさな!} &br() Oh, Matthew is nearly home by now-- &br() &color(purple){「Matthew is nearly home by now」「マシューは家に着くころね。」シャーロットタウンからアヴォンリーまでは半日かかる。松本訳では「ああ、今頃、マシューは、そろそろ畑から家に戻る頃ね」(p. 404)としていて普段の生活を思い出していると解釈している。is だからどちらも可でしょう} &br() and Marilla is at the gate, looking down the lane for him--six--seven--eight-- oh, there's no use in counting them! They're coming in a flood presently. I can't cheer up--I don't WANT to cheer up. It's nicer to be miserable!" The flood of tears would have come, no doubt, had not Josie Pye appeared at that moment. &br() &color(purple){「had not Josie Pye appeared」= if Josie Pye had not appeared 仮定法} &br() In the joy of seeing a familiar face Anne forgot that there had never been much love lost between her and Josie. As a part of Avonlea life even a Pye was welcome. "I'm so glad you came up," Anne said sincerely. "You've been crying," remarked Josie, with aggravating pity. "I suppose you're homesick--some people have so little self-control in that respect. I've no intention of being homesick, I can tell you. Town's too jolly after that poky old Avonlea. I wonder how I ever existed there so long. You shouldn't cry, Anne; it isn't becoming, for your nose and eyes get red, and then you seem ALL red. &br() &color(purple){「you seem ALL red」鼻と目が赤くなったら、髪が赤いのだから全部赤になる。ここまでいじわるなことどうして考えつくのでしょう???} &br() I'd a perfectly scrumptious time in the Academy today. Our French professor is simply a duck. &br() &color(purple){「a duck」かわいい人。鳥のカモ/アヒル。後ろ参照} &br() His moustache would give you kerwollowps of the heart. Have you anything eatable around, Anne? I'm literally starving. Ah, I guessed likely Marilla'd load you up with cake. That's why I called round. Otherwise I'd have gone to the park to hear the band play with Frank Stockley. He boards same place as I do, &br() &color(purple){「He boards same place as I do」ジョージーは親戚のところに下宿しているはずですが(She was not to board with the other girls, who all had relatives in town to take pity on them. 少し上のほうにあります)、フランク・ストックリーも下宿しているということはジョージーの親戚は下宿屋をやっているんでしょうか} &br() and he's a sport. &br() &color(purple){「a sport」いいやつ。プレイボーイ} &br() He noticed you in class today, and asked me who the red-headed girl was. I told him you were an orphan that the Cuthberts had adopted, and nobody knew very much about what you'd been before that." &br() &color(purple){「you were an orphan that the Cuthberts had adopted, and nobody knew very much about what you'd been before that」事実ではある。しかし、事実のうち何を相手に伝えるかによって、話し手の心が出る。ジョージーは、まったく……} &br() Anne was wondering if, after all, solitude and tears were not more satisfactory than Josie Pye's companionship when Jane and Ruby appeared, each with an inch of Queen's color ribbon--purple and scarlet--pinned proudly to her coat. As Josie was not "speaking" to Jane just then she had to subside into comparative harmlessness. "Well," said Jane with a sigh, "I feel as if I'd lived many moons since the morning. &br() &color(purple){「moons」monthsではなくmoonsといってるところが、ちょっと気どっているというか、はずかしさを隠しているというか} &br() I ought to be home studying my Virgil-- &br() &color(green){「Virgil」松本訳注第34章(4) p. 528参照} &br() &color(purple){松本訳の注によると Virgil はラテン語。ジェーンはラテン語が不得意だったはずなのに予習しなくていいの?と突っこみたくなるような話になっている。(Mine is geometry of course, and Jane's is Latin, and Ruby and Charlie's is algebra, and Josie's is arithmetic. [[CHAPTER XXXI with impression]] Where the Brook and River Meet)} &br() that horrid old professor gave us twenty lines to start in on tomorrow. But I simply couldn't settle down to study tonight. Anne, methinks I see the traces of tears. &br() &color(purple){「methink」[古]私には思われる。古い言葉を使っているので、この内容では、ジョーシーと違ってジェーンがアンに対してやわらかく気遣いのある言い方をしている。しかも、少しあとに、わたしも泣いてたの、と言っているし} &br() If you've been crying DO own up. It will restore my self-respect, for I was shedding tears freely before Ruby came along. I don't mind being a goose so much if somebody else is goosey, too. &br() &color(purple){「goose」ばか、弱虫。家禽のガチョウ、野生の鳥のガン。弱虫といった感じの言葉はいくつもあると思われるのに goose を使ったのは、上でジョージーがフランス語の教授を duck と言ったらでしょうね(逆に goose を使ったので上で duck としたのかもしれません)} &br() Cake? &br() &color(purple){「Cake?」おしゃべりをしている間にマリラが持たせてくれたケーキをアンは出してきたようです} &br() You'll give me a teeny piece, won't you? &br() &color(purple){「teeny」[話]ちっちゃい(tiny)} &br() Thank you. It has the real Avonlea flavor." Ruby, perceiving the Queen's calendar lying on the table, wanted to know if Anne meant to try for the gold medal. Anne blushed and admitted she was thinking of it. "Oh, that reminds me," said Josie, &br() &color(purple){なんだかんだといってもジョージーも役に立つことを言う} &br() "Queen's is to get one of the Avery scholarships after all. The word came today. Frank Stockley told me--his uncle is one of the board of governors, you know. It will be announced in the Academy tomorrow." An Avery scholarship! Anne felt her heart beat more quickly, and the horizons of her ambition shifted and broadened as if by magic. Before Josie had told the news Anne's highest pinnacle of aspiration had been a teacher's provincial license, &br() &color(purple){「a teacher's provincial license」教員免許は州が出すことがわかる。現在の日本では各都道府県の教育委員会} &br() First Class, at the end of the year, and perhaps the medal! But now in one moment Anne saw herself winning the Avery scholarship, taking an Arts course at Redmond College, &br() &color(purple){「an Arts course」村岡訳では、「芸術科」と訳していますが、ここは文学のコースと考えるのが適当でしょう。arts の意味は広いので。芸術科なら、fine artsのような感じかしら。松本訳では「文学部」} &br() &color(green){「Redmond College」松本訳注第34章(5) p. 528参照} &br() and graduating in a gown and mortar board, &br() &color(purple){「a gown and mortar board」ガウンと角帽。イギリスとその植民地だった国の大学では卒業式はガウンと房のついた角帽(ほかの西洋の国はよくわかりません)。mortar boardはモルタルの練り板、こて板の意味もある。関連性がよくわからない、似ているからとの説明のある辞書もある。コテ板と……似ているかなあ} &br() before the echo of Josie's words had died away. For the Avery scholarship was in English, and Anne felt that here her foot was on native heath. &br() &color(green){「her foot was on native heath」松本訳注第34章(6) p. 529参照} &br() A wealthy manufacturer of New Brunswick had died and left part of his fortune to endow a large number of scholarships to be distributed among the various high schools and academies of the Maritime Provinces, &br() &color(green){「the Maritime Provinces」松本訳注第34章(7) p. 529参照} &br() according to their respective standings. There had been much doubt whether one would be allotted to Queen's, but the matter was settled at last, and at the end of the year the graduate who made the highest mark in English and English Literature would win the scholarship-- two hundred and fifty dollars a year for four years at Redmond College. &br() &color(purple){「An Avery scholarship」エイヴリー奨学金:この「赤毛のアン」ではレイモンド大学の文学専攻に進学する人に毎年250ドル、4年間与えられることになっています。この奨学金の名前にちなんで、プリンスエドワード島大学(Univerisity of Prince Edward Island)では、英語専攻の学生1人を選び、1年間1,000ドルをエイヴリー奨学金として授与しています} &br() &color(purple){プリンスエドワード島大学は、クィーン学院のモデルとなった Prince of Walse College(当時は学士号の授与権はなかった:1960年代になって)と、同じくシャーロットタウンにあったSt. Dunstan’s University(1914年より学位授与できるようになった)が合併したもののようです。いずれにせよアンがクィーン学院に入学したときは、クィーンは「大学」ではなかったので、BAを取るためには進学しなくてはならなかったわけです} &br() No wonder that Anne went to bed that night with tingling cheeks! "I'll win that scholarship if hard work can do it," she resolved. "Wouldn't Matthew be proud if I got to be a B.A.? &br() &color(purple){「B.A.」Bachelor of Arts。無理矢理訳すと文学士。文系の学士号はB.A.(ビーエイ)で、理系の学士号がB.Sc.(ビーエスシー、または、B.S. ビーエス:Bachelor of Science)であって、(ほかにもあるかもしれないけれど)この2種類が広くカバーしているようです。なので、文学士と訳すと狭すぎのきらいがある場合もありますが、ここでは英語学/英文学の専攻なので文学士は適切。なお、現在の日本では学士(○○)と日本語で表記し、かっこの中の○○はバラエティに富んでいます(富みすぎってほどあります)} &br() Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting." RIGHT:[[CHAPTER XXXIII>CHAPTER XXXIII with impression]] [[UP>原著を読んでみました]] [[CHAPTER XXXV>CHAPTER XXXV with impression]] RIGHT:29 July 2007 RIGHT:30 July 2007 微修正 ---- 今日 &counter(today); | 昨日 &counter(yesterday); | Total &counter(total); since 29 July 2007 RIGHT:last update: &update()

