
Chapter10」(2012/05/20 (日) 23:54:55) の最新版変更点



////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント はじまり■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。 // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント おわり■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>8.Salvation #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) 8.Salvation Blackwatch intends to kill Heller and anyone helping him before he destroys all of their operations. **電話1 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father Guerra. You there?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James! Listen!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, what's wrong?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: No time! Listen! Blackwatch is coming! They must've figured out I was talking to you!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Shit, I'll be there as soon as I can.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: What? No, no! They're coming in from every direction! I'm telling you this so you'll stay away!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: And let you get killed for helping me? Screw that.} -訳 ---- **教会へ &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Dragon, this is Rattler One Three. We're at the church, but target's holed up inside with a nine mil. Over} -訳 &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Explosives are authorized. Be on the lookout for the escaped test subject. You are cleared hot on both.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: I'll show you "cleared hot."} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: GET AWAY FROM MY CHURCH!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Shit! It's Heller! It's the fucking escaped test subject!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Roger that, One Three. Reinforvements are Oscar Mike.} -訳 ---- **APC登場 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Great, more meat wagons.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hmm ... Wonder if that'd come off?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Dragon, this is Hammerhead Four Two. We've arrived at the church. What is the target's location?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: I'm right here!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){APC COMMANDER: Four Four, the hostile's on your your fucking roof! Shake him, shake him!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Oh shit. The TOW! the TOW is gone!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Jesus, the hostile's killing us with our own fucking TOW!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){SPC COMMANDER: Dragon, request location of incoming reinforcement.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Reinforcements are close by, Four Two, with choppers and more armor behind them.} -訳 ---- **ヘリ登場 &color(#ff9999){STRIKE TEAM COMMANDER: Dragon, this is Ballista Three. Engaging tango primary, over.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Just don't know when to give up, do you?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, can you hear me? James, the walls are starting to crumble!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hang tight, Father! I'm on this ...} -訳 ---- &color(#ff9999){COMMANDER: Dragon, this is Mako Two Three. Engaging church, over.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Nuh-uh, no you fuckin' don't.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, I ... Help me!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hold on, Father!} -訳 ---- **APCとヘリ &color(#ff9999){COMMANDER: Go, go, go! KILL EVERYONE!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: Yea, thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil--} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Knock that shit off, Father!} -訳 ---- &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father? Father Guerra, answer me!} -訳 ---- **教会内 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, where are you?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: They attacked a church. A church!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Come on, we gota go. C'mon!} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: I should have just let them take me.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, we don't have time for this melodramatic shit, alright?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Maybe you can't stay here anymore, but that's no reason to lay down and die.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: You get somewhere safe. I mean it. I need you, Father. We're in this together.} -訳 ---- **電話2 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, I'm heading to the Green Zone. It's much safer there.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Alright, Father. I'll join you after I'm done here.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: Thank you.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: No problem.} -訳 ----
////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント はじまり■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。 // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント おわり■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>8.Salvation #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) 8.Salvation Blackwatch intends to kill Heller and anyone helping him before he destroys all of their operations. **電話1 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father Guerra. You there?} -グエラ神父、いるか? &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James! Listen!} -ジェームズ、聞け! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, what's wrong?} -神父、どうかしたのか? &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: No time! Listen! Blackwatch is coming! They must've figured out I was talking to you!} -時間が無い!ブラックウォッチが来ている!私が君と協力していると突き止めたらしい! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Shit, I'll be there as soon as I can.} -くそっ、できる限り急いでそちらに向かう。 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: What? No, no! They're coming in from every direction! I'm telling you this so you'll stay away!} -何?いや、来るんじゃない!既にここは囲まれている!ここから離れているんだ! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: And let you get killed for helping me? Screw that.} -俺のためにあなたは死ぬと?ふざけないでくれ。 ---- **教会へ &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Dragon, this is Rattler One Three. We're at the church, but target's holed up inside with a nine mil. Over} -ドラゴン、こちらラトラー13。教会に到着したが、目標は9ミリ銃を持って立てこもっている。オーバー。 &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Explosives are authorized. Be on the lookout for the escaped test subject. You are cleared hot on both.} -爆発物の使用を許可。被検体にも気をつけろ。どちらも撃って構わない。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: I'll show you "cleared hot."} -射撃を許可、ってのがどういうものか教えてやるよ。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: GET AWAY FROM MY CHURCH!} -教会から離れやがれ! &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Shit! It's Heller! It's the fucking escaped test subject!} -くそ!ヘラーだ!被検体に遭遇! &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Roger that, One Three. Reinforcements are Oscar Mike.} -了解、13。援軍が向かっている。 ---- **APC登場 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Great, more meat wagons.} -ははっ、援軍の到着か。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hmm ... Wonder if that'd come off?} -ふむ、あれが外せるか? &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Dragon, this is Hammerhead Four Two. We've arrived at the church. What is the target's location?} -ドラゴン、こちらハンマーヘッド42。教会に到着。敵の位置は? &color(#ff9999){HELLER: I'm right here!} -俺ならここだ! &color(#ff9999){APC COMMANDER: Four Four, the hostile's on your your fucking roof! Shake him, shake him!} -44、敵はお前の・・・お前の屋根の上だ!振り落せ!早く! &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Oh shit. The TOW! the TOW is gone!} -くそ野郎!TOWが!TOWが外された! &color(#ff9999){SOLDIER: Jesus, the hostile's killing us with our own fucking TOW!} -ウソだろ、敵にTOWで攻撃されている! &color(#ff9999){SPC COMMANDER: Dragon, request location of incoming reinforcement.} -ドラゴン、援軍はどこに? &color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Reinforcements are close by, Four Two, with choppers and more armor behind them.} -42、もうすぐだ。ヘリと武装車両が向かっている。 ---- **ヘリ登場 &color(#ff9999){STRIKE TEAM COMMANDER: Dragon, this is Ballista Three. Engaging tango primary, over.} -ドラゴン、こちらバリスタ3。接敵した、オーバー。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Just don't know when to give up, do you?} -諦め時ってのを知らないのか? &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, can you hear me? James, the walls are starting to crumble!} -ジェームズ、聞こえるか?ジェームズ、壁が崩れ始めたぞ! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hang tight, Father! I'm on this ...} -しっかりしろ、神父!今向かってる・・・ ---- &color(#ff9999){COMMANDER: Dragon, this is Mako Two Three. Engaging church, over.} -ドラゴン、こちらマコ23。教会を攻撃する。オーバー。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Nuh-uh, no you fuckin' don't.} -おいおい、そうはさせないぜ。 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, I ... Help me!} -ジェームズ、私を・・・助けてくれ! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hold on, Father!} -大丈夫だ、神父! ---- **APCとヘリ &color(#ff9999){COMMANDER: Go, go, go! KILL EVERYONE!} -行け行け行け!皆殺しだ! &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: Yea, thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil--} -死の陰の谷を行くときもわたしは災いを恐れない―― &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Knock that shit off, Father!} -神父!敵は倒したぞ! ---- &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father? Father Guerra, answer me!} -グエラ神父!返事をしてくれ! ---- **教会内 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father!} -神父! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, where are you?} -神父、どこにいる? &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: They attacked a church. A church!} -教会を攻撃した・・・神の家を! &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Come on, we gota go. C'mon!} -行こう、行かなきゃならない。さぁ! &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: I should have just let them take me.} -彼らについて行くべきだったのかもしれない。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Father, we don't have time for this melodramatic shit, alright?} -神父、今はそんなメロドラマしてる場合じゃないんだ。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Maybe you can't stay here anymore, but that's no reason to lay down and die.} -もうここにはいられないだろう。でもだからといってここで死を待つわけにはいかない。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: You get somewhere safe. I mean it. I need you, Father. We're in this together.} -安全な場所に行こう。俺にはあなたが必要だ、神父。俺たちはもう運命共同体なんだ。 ---- **電話2 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: James, I'm heading to the Green Zone. It's much safer there.} -ジェームズ、私はグリーン・ゾーンに向かうよ。ここよりは安全だ。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: Alright, Father. I'll join you after I'm done here.} -わかった。俺はここでやる事をすませたら合流する。 &color(#ff9999){GUERRA: Thank you.} -ありがとう。 &color(#ff9999){HELLER: No problem.} -気にしないでくれ。 ----

