
proce55ing-gr02/pg01」(2009/01/29 (木) 16:09:22) の最新版変更点



[[Processingでgraph 02>proce55ing-gr02]]に戻る #highlight(c){{//*- This program is VisualizingData's p239-243 -*// int nodeCount; Node[] nodes = new Node[100]; HashMap nodeTable = new HashMap(); int edgeCount; Edge[] edges = new Edge[500]; static final color nodeColor = #F0C070; //node box background color static final color selectColor = #FF3030; //dragging color static final color fixedColor = #FF8080; //click->固定color static final color edgeColor = #000000; //line color PFont font; void setup(){ size(600, 600); loadData(); font = createFont("SansSerif", 10); textFont(font); smooth(); } void loadData(){ String[] lines = loadStrings("huckfinn.txt"); // テキストを単一のStringオブジェクトにする String line = join(lines, " "); // 「--」を実際のemダッシュで置き換える line = line.replaceAll("--", "\u2014"); // 指定のデリミタを区切りに句に分割 String[] phrases = splitTokens(line, ".,;:?!\u2014\""); for (int i = 0; i < phrases.length; i++){ // この句を小文字にする String phrase = phrases[i].toLowerCase(); // 各句を1つ以上のスペース文字で個々の単語に分割 String[] words = splitTokens(phrase, " "); for (int w = 0; w < words.length-1; w++){ addEdge(words[w], words[w+1]); } } } // 名前でノードを見つけ出す。見つからなかったノードは新規に追加 void addEdge(String fromLabel, String toLabel){ // 不要な単語を除去** if (ignoreWord(fromLabel) || ignoreWord(toLabel)) return; Node from = findNode(fromLabel); Node to = findNode(toLabel); from.increment(); // ** to.increment(); // このEdgeがすでに存在するかどうかをチェック** for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++){ if (edges[i].from == from && edges[i].to == to){ edges[i].increment(); return; } } Edge e = new Edge(from, to); e.increment(); //** if (edgeCount == edges.length){ edges = (Edge[]) expand(edges); } edges[edgeCount++] = e; } String[] ignore = { "a", "of", "the", "i", "it", "you", "and", "to"}; boolean ignoreWord(String what){ for (int i = 0; i < ignore.length; i++){ if (what.equals(ignore[i])){ return true; } } return false; } // ラベルからノードを見つける Node findNode(String label){ label = label.toLowerCase(); Node n = (Node) nodeTable.get(label); if (n == null){ return addNode(label); } return n; } // 名前での検索を可能にするためnodeTableへの追加も Node addNode(String label){ Node n = new Node(label); if (nodeCount == nodes.length){ nodes = (Node[]) expand(nodes); } nodeTable.put(label, n); nodes[nodeCount++] = n; return n; } void draw(){ background(255); for (int i = 0 ; i < edgeCount ; i++){ edges[i].relax(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].relax(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].update(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < edgeCount ; i++){ edges[i].draw(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].draw(); } } //*- マウスでノード操作できるように -*// Node selection; void mousePressed(){ // これ以上に離れているノードはすべて無視 float closest = 20; for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount; i++){ Node n = nodes[i]; float d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, n.x, n.y); if (d < closest){ selection = n; closest = d; } } if (selection != null){ if (mouseButton == LEFT){ selection.fixed = true; } else if (mouseButton == RIGHT){ selection.fixed = false; } } } void mouseDragged(){ if (selection != null){ selection.x = mouseX; selection.y = mouseY; } } void mouseReleased(){ selection = null; } class Edge{ Node from; Node to; float len; Edge(Node from, Node to){ this.from = from; this.to = to; this.len = 50; } void relax(){ float vx = to.x - from.x; float vy = to.y - from.y; float d = mag(vx, vy); if (d > 0){ float f = (len - d) / (d * 3); float dx = f * vx; float dy = f * vy; to.dx += dx; to.dy += dy; from.dx -= dx; from.dy -= dy; } } // ** int count; void increment(){ count++; } void draw(){ stroke(edgeColor); strokeWeight(0.35); line(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y); } } class Node{ float x, y; float dx, dy; boolean fixed; String label; Node(String label){ this.label = label; x = random(width); y = random(height); } void relax(){ float ddx = 0; float ddy = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < nodeCount; j++){ Node n = nodes[j]; if (n != this){ float vx = x - n.x; float vy = y - n.y; float lensq = vx * vx + vy * vy; if (lensq == 0){ ddx += random(1); ddy += random(1); } else if (lensq < 100*100){ ddx += vx / lensq; ddy += vy / lensq; } } } float dlen = mag(ddx, ddy) /2; if (dlen > 0){ dx += ddx /dlen; dy += ddy /dlen; } } void update(){ if (!fixed){ x += constrain(dx, -5, 5); y += constrain(dy, -5, 5); x = constrain(x, 0, width); y = constrain(y, 0, height); } dx /= 2; dy /= 2; } // ** int count; void increment(){ count++; } void draw(){ if (selection == this){ fill(selectColor); } else if (fixed){ fill(fixedColor); } else { fill(nodeColor); } stroke(0); strokeWeight(0.5); rectMode(CORNER); float w = textWidth(label) + 10; float h = textAscent() + textDescent() + 4; rect(x - w/2, y - h/2, w, h); fill(0); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(label, x, y); } } }} ----
←←【[[Processingでgraph 02>proce55ing-gr02]]に戻る】 #highlight(c){{//*- This program is VisualizingData's p239-243 -*// int nodeCount; Node[] nodes = new Node[100]; HashMap nodeTable = new HashMap(); int edgeCount; Edge[] edges = new Edge[500]; static final color nodeColor = #F0C070; //node box background color static final color selectColor = #FF3030; //dragging color static final color fixedColor = #FF8080; //click->固定color static final color edgeColor = #000000; //line color PFont font; void setup(){ size(600, 600); loadData(); font = createFont("SansSerif", 10); textFont(font); smooth(); } void loadData(){ String[] lines = loadStrings("huckfinn.txt"); // テキストを単一のStringオブジェクトにする String line = join(lines, " "); // 「--」を実際のemダッシュで置き換える line = line.replaceAll("--", "\u2014"); // 指定のデリミタを区切りに句に分割 String[] phrases = splitTokens(line, ".,;:?!\u2014\""); for (int i = 0; i < phrases.length; i++){ // この句を小文字にする String phrase = phrases[i].toLowerCase(); // 各句を1つ以上のスペース文字で個々の単語に分割 String[] words = splitTokens(phrase, " "); for (int w = 0; w < words.length-1; w++){ addEdge(words[w], words[w+1]); } } } // 名前でノードを見つけ出す。見つからなかったノードは新規に追加 void addEdge(String fromLabel, String toLabel){ // 不要な単語を除去** if (ignoreWord(fromLabel) || ignoreWord(toLabel)) return; Node from = findNode(fromLabel); Node to = findNode(toLabel); from.increment(); // ** to.increment(); // このEdgeがすでに存在するかどうかをチェック** for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++){ if (edges[i].from == from && edges[i].to == to){ edges[i].increment(); return; } } Edge e = new Edge(from, to); e.increment(); //** if (edgeCount == edges.length){ edges = (Edge[]) expand(edges); } edges[edgeCount++] = e; } String[] ignore = { "a", "of", "the", "i", "it", "you", "and", "to"}; boolean ignoreWord(String what){ for (int i = 0; i < ignore.length; i++){ if (what.equals(ignore[i])){ return true; } } return false; } // ラベルからノードを見つける Node findNode(String label){ label = label.toLowerCase(); Node n = (Node) nodeTable.get(label); if (n == null){ return addNode(label); } return n; } // 名前での検索を可能にするためnodeTableへの追加も Node addNode(String label){ Node n = new Node(label); if (nodeCount == nodes.length){ nodes = (Node[]) expand(nodes); } nodeTable.put(label, n); nodes[nodeCount++] = n; return n; } void draw(){ background(255); for (int i = 0 ; i < edgeCount ; i++){ edges[i].relax(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].relax(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].update(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < edgeCount ; i++){ edges[i].draw(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount ; i++){ nodes[i].draw(); } } //*- マウスでノード操作できるように -*// Node selection; void mousePressed(){ // これ以上に離れているノードはすべて無視 float closest = 20; for (int i = 0 ; i < nodeCount; i++){ Node n = nodes[i]; float d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, n.x, n.y); if (d < closest){ selection = n; closest = d; } } if (selection != null){ if (mouseButton == LEFT){ selection.fixed = true; } else if (mouseButton == RIGHT){ selection.fixed = false; } } } void mouseDragged(){ if (selection != null){ selection.x = mouseX; selection.y = mouseY; } } void mouseReleased(){ selection = null; } class Edge{ Node from; Node to; float len; Edge(Node from, Node to){ this.from = from; this.to = to; this.len = 50; } void relax(){ float vx = to.x - from.x; float vy = to.y - from.y; float d = mag(vx, vy); if (d > 0){ float f = (len - d) / (d * 3); float dx = f * vx; float dy = f * vy; to.dx += dx; to.dy += dy; from.dx -= dx; from.dy -= dy; } } // ** int count; void increment(){ count++; } void draw(){ stroke(edgeColor); strokeWeight(0.35); line(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y); } } class Node{ float x, y; float dx, dy; boolean fixed; String label; Node(String label){ this.label = label; x = random(width); y = random(height); } void relax(){ float ddx = 0; float ddy = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < nodeCount; j++){ Node n = nodes[j]; if (n != this){ float vx = x - n.x; float vy = y - n.y; float lensq = vx * vx + vy * vy; if (lensq == 0){ ddx += random(1); ddy += random(1); } else if (lensq < 100*100){ ddx += vx / lensq; ddy += vy / lensq; } } } float dlen = mag(ddx, ddy) /2; if (dlen > 0){ dx += ddx /dlen; dy += ddy /dlen; } } void update(){ if (!fixed){ x += constrain(dx, -5, 5); y += constrain(dy, -5, 5); x = constrain(x, 0, width); y = constrain(y, 0, height); } dx /= 2; dy /= 2; } // ** int count; void increment(){ count++; } void draw(){ if (selection == this){ fill(selectColor); } else if (fixed){ fill(fixedColor); } else { fill(nodeColor); } stroke(0); strokeWeight(0.5); rectMode(CORNER); float w = textWidth(label) + 10; float h = textAscent() + textDescent() + 4; rect(x - w/2, y - h/2, w, h); fill(0); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(label, x, y); } } }} ----

