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Freyda's Dilemma (Haven Campaign)

   Freyda's Dilemma
     1. Rebels / 反逆者
     2. The Suspicion / 疑惑
     3. Duncan / ダンカン
     4. Negotiations / 交渉
     5. The Choice / 選択

1.Rebels / 反逆者
地下の有無: なし
海の有無: なし
マップスタート時のボーナス: なし

The Griffin Empire is falling apart. Refusing to accept the
rule of Queen Isabel, some members of the nobility are
openly opposing her. Her recent canonization has hardly
helped matters, and they whisper that she has not been the
same since her return from Sheogh.. No doubt these rebels
will soon be dragged before a court of justice, which will
inflict a harsh penalty on those who betray of the throne.

  • Destroy Lord Caldwell's rebel camp  - Caldwell's rebel campへ進み戦闘、勝利
  • Destroy Archbishop Randall's rebel camp  - Randall's rebel campへ進み戦闘、勝利
  • Help Haven troops out from encirclement - 増援部隊を救出(EnforcerかCrossbowmanに接近)

Secondary Objectives:
  • Seize all Peasant Huts  - 農家を全て占拠
  • Eliminate the rebel units - 反逆者ユニットを排除する
  • Elf druids - Druidの集団(Druid Elder9体)を倒す

Freyda、Laszlo 両Hero共に十分なCreaturesを持っているので、二手に分かれて探査を行うと効率的。

2.The Suspicion / 疑惑
地下の有無: なし
海の有無: なし
マップスタート時のボーナス: Armor of Valor , Blindness , Gold:10000

According to the latest edict from Saint Isabel, the
rebellion in the Stag Duchy is nothing but the Demons'
latest attempt to punish the Griffin Empire for its victory
against them during the war. The rebels are led by demon
cultists, and the Imperial troops have been ordered to
fight the heretics and apostates without mercy.

  • Freyda and Laszlo must survive  - FreydaとLaszloの生存
  • Eliminate the rebel towns  - 反逆した町の奪還
  • Destroy all peasant huts - すべてのPesant Hutsを破壊する

Secondary Objectives:
  • Save the innocent peasants   - 農民(Enforcer)の保護


3.Duncan / ダンカン
地下の有無: あり
海の有無: なし
マップスタート時のボーナス: Four Leaf Clover(Increases luck by +1.),Necklace of the Lion(Increases morale by +1.),15 Vindicators

The rebellious Stag Duchy is living its last days. Heralds
are proclaiming the royal armies' triumph in the markets,
and minstrels are composing songs about it. There's but one
small thing left to be done: capture Duke Duncan and Prince
Andrei, the main instigators of the rebellion. A fair
inquest will undoubtedly reveal their implication in
demonic cults.

  • Seize all the towns of the rebellious Stag Duchy - 反逆者Stag Duchyのすべての町を制圧する
  • Take Duncan prisoner  - Duncanを捕虜にする
  • Freyda must survive - Freydaの生存


4.Negotiations / 交渉
地下の有無: あり
海の有無: なし
マップスタート時のボーナス:・Magic Guild level one,20 Crystal,2 Champions

The triumphant war against the rebels is almost over.
What's needed now is to arrange the extradition of Prince
Andrei, who has fled to the lands of the Griffin Empire's
northern neighbours. Few doubt that the Dwarves, impressed
by the might of the Imperial army, could do anything other
than deliver up the last demonist to the Empire's

  • Talk with dwarven garrison - dwarven守備隊と話してください
  • Carry out the Dwarves' demands - Dwarvesの要求を行ってください
3)帝国の新しいタイプの軍はDwarven Kingdomの境界を越えることができません
  • Reach Tor Hrall - Tor Hrallへ到達してください
  • Get away from the Dwarves' territory - Dwarvesの領土から逃げてください
  • Freyda must survive - Freydaの生存
  • Collect resources, enough for Keymaster's requirements.  - Keymasterに指定の資源を渡す
  • Kill wolves - 森のオオカミを殺してください

Secondary Objectives:

  • Find dwarven mithral greaves
  • Take care about Hydra
  • Eliminate rebels
  • Find dwarven mithral helm and greaves


5.The Choice / 選択
地下の有無: あり
海の有無: なし
マップスタート時のボーナス:Sack of Endless Gold, 2 Paladins , Gold:8000

The Dwarves, who had always been neutral, have responded to
Laszlo's attack by waging war on the Empire. Even worse
news is that Freyda, daughter of great Godric and a
renowned commander herself, has gone missing. That will
make the response of Isabel's armies even harsher, and the
Dwarves will have to pay much, much more for each drop of
Human blood...

  • Liberate Duncan - Duncanを解放してください
  • Seize the port town and set sail for Talonguard - 港町の制圧とTalonguardに出帆してください。
  • Freyda must survive - Freydaの生存
  • Duncan must survive - Duncanの生存

Red軍、Light blue軍を同時に相手にすることになります。
ただし、Duncan解放後、Light blue軍が消滅します。


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