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だれでも歓迎! 編集
最終更新日時:2012-06-10 00:06:03 (Sun)



ルーン 名前 説明
FIRE The first rune is fire, one of the elements. Elements are a major group in the runes. There are four elements and all of them reside in the corners of the pattern. Fire magic is very suitable for destructive powers and fire is the rune of strength.

LIFE This rune represents health, bravery, creation and light. It is a common rune in spells that aid and assist but it can also be used in creating or modifying matter. Life is the opposing force of death.

AIR The element of air not only covers the air that we breathe but also the sky, storms and gases. It is also often used in conjunction with other less buoyant elements to help them float or fly and air is the rune of dexterity.

SPIRITUALITY This rune represents the immaterial world: the things that have no matter but which still exist. It is used for invoking the forces of the mind, thought and spirituality. It is useful in spells that either enhance or disrupt the psyche of beings or to surpass the barriers of mundane senses.

BALANCE This is the central rune that all the other runes are bound to and it has no opposite. It represents everything, wholeness and unity. This is the invisible force that binds everything together while keeping them apart. Mortal spellcasters can only exploit a tiny sliver of the vast potential of this force and they usually use it to amplify their spells to affect larger wholes.

PHYSICALITY This represents the material world and strong physical forces. It helps otherwise immaterial things attain a more stable physical form or adds to the strength of otherwise weak phenomena. Physicality is the opposing force of spirituality.

EARTH A strong and stable element, earth can be useful in bolstering defenses or for tapping power from the surrounding masses of rock, moss and plants. Earth is the rune of vitality and the opposing element of air.

強力かつ安定した四大元素の一つ「Earth」は、防御を強化したり、また周リを囲む岩や苔、植物から力を引き出す有用な力である。 Earthは生命力を示すルーンであり、Airと対立する元素である。
DEATH This rune is the force of vile deeds, cowardice, destruction and darkness and it is a very potent power for deception or causing harm to others.

ICE Ice is the source element of powerful freezing spells that can harm or slow others. Ice is the rune of willpower and the opposing element of fire.



F L A (7 8 9)
S B P (4 5 6)
E D I (1 2 3)

Air Magic

Lv Spell Name 消費Energy
4 A(9)
Spell Shock 21 正面に小ダメージ
9 ALPD(9862)
Enchanted Shock Arrow 20 矢に雷ダメージを付与
14 AS(94)
Lightning Bolt 40 中ダメージのボルトを飛ばす
19 ABD(952)
Invisibility 35 周囲の光を反射し、消えたように見せる
22 AB(95)
Shock Shield 55 雷耐性+35

Earth Magic

Lv Spell Name 消費Energy
3 E(1)
Poison Cloud 17 正面に毒霧を発生させ、小継続ダメージ
持続時間10s 0.5sごとにダメージ
7 EA(19)
Poison Bolt 22 中ダメージのボルトを飛ばす
Shaman Staff装備時、着弾場所にPoison Cloud発生
11 ELPD(1862)
Enchanted Poison Arrow 20 矢に毒ダメージを付与
13 EB(15)
Poison Shield 35 毒耐性+35

Fire Magic

Lv Spell Name 消費Energy
2 F(7)
Fire Burst 15 正面に小ダメージ
7 FLPD(7862)
Enchanted Fire Arrow 20 矢に炎ダメージを付与
13 FAP(796)
Fire Ball 33 中ダメージのボルトを飛ばす
16 FB(75)
Fire Shield 50 炎耐性+35

Ice Magic

Lv Spell Name 消費Energy
3 IE(31)
Ice Shards 24 4マス先まで氷柱を発生させ中ダメージ
7 ILPD(3862)
Enchanted Ice Arrow 20 矢に氷ダメージを付与
13 IA(39)
Frostbolt 29 中ダメージ+凍結のボルトを飛ばす
19 IB(35)
Frost Shield 45 氷耐性+35


Lv Spell Name 消費Energy
5 BL(58)
Light 25 詠唱者の周囲を長時間照らす
5 BD(52)
Darkness 25 詠唱者の周囲を暗くする。暗闇効果は特になし


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