
BGM・効果音」(2016/10/22 (土) 17:14:07) の最新版変更点



**BGM・効果音 -&color(red){雛形2}を使用します。 -短形波・三角波・ノイズの設定と再生を行います。 -STARTを押しながらSELECTでタイトルに戻ります。 -各項目で左右を押すと値が増減します。 -SHUHASUはSELECT・A・Bいずれかのボタンを押しながら左右を押すと増分値が変わります。 -SHUHASUには以下の内容を設定します。 --矩形波:1790000/ (周波数 * 32 - 1) ・・・「ラ」(440hz)を鳴らそうと思えば127になります --三角波:1790000/ (周波数 * 64 - 1) ・・・多分。 -STARTを押すと音が鳴り、フラグの内容が16進数で表示されます。&br()ゲームを開発する際にフラグとshuhasu、timeの値を指定すれば同じ音を鳴らすことができます。 #highlight(c){{{ #include <kihon.h> #include <kanade.h> #define DMA (char*)0x0700 typedef enum { menuTITLE = 0, menuSQUARE = 1, menuTRIANGLE = 2, menuNOISE = 3, } emenu; emenu menu; char init; void ClearScreen() { unsigned char i,first,pos[2]; first = 1; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { SetDMA( DMA,first, 0, 240, 0, 0); first = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { GetBackgroundAddress(0, 0, i, pos); VBlank(); FillBackground(*(pos + 0),*(pos + 1),0,32); SetScroll( 0, 0 ); } } void DrawString(char x, char y,char *str,char len) { char pos[2]; GetBackgroundAddress(0, x, y, pos); VBlank(); SetBackground(*(pos + 0), *(pos + 1), str, len); SetScroll( 0, 0 ); } void DrawHexdecimal(char x, char y,char val) { char ret1, ret2, str[1]; ret2 = val % 16; ret1 = (val - ret2) / 16; if (ret1 < 10) { str[0] = ret1 + 0x30; } else { str[0] = ret1 + 0x37; } DrawString(x , y, str, 1); if (ret2 < 10) { str[0] = ret2 + 0x30; } else { str[0] = ret2 + 0x37; } DrawString(x + 1, y, str, 1); } void DrawArrow(char y) { SetDMA( DMA,1, 30, (y * 2 + 3) * 8 - 1, 0x40, 0); } void DrawNumMax(char x, char y, char val, char max) { char wrk; wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 0) * 8, y * 8, (val - wrk) / 10 + 0x30, 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 1) * 8, y * 8, wrk + 0x30 , 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 2) * 8, y * 8, 0x5c , 0); wrk = max % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 3) * 8, y * 8, (max - wrk) / 10 + 0x30, 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 4) * 8, y * 8, wrk + 0x30 , 0); } void DrawNumLen(char x, char y, char val, char max) { unsigned char wrk; signed char i; for (i=2; i>=0; i--) { wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); val /= 10; } SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 3) * 8, y * 8, 0x5c , 0); for (i=2; i>=0; i--) { wrk = max % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i + 4) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); max /= 10; } } void DrawNumber(char x, char y, int val) { unsigned int wrk; signed char i; for (i=6; i>=0; i--) { wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); val /= 10; } } void Square() { char flag1,flag2; static char top ; static char duty ,counter,onkyo ,vol ; static char henka ,sokudo ,houhou,hani; static char time ; static unsigned int shuhasu; if (! init) { top = 0; duty = 0; counter = 0; onkyo = 0; vol = 0; henka = 0; sokudo = 0; houhou = 0; hani = 0; time = 0; shuhasu = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"DUTY" , 4); DrawString( 5, 5,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 7,"ONKYO" , 5); DrawString( 5, 9,"VOLUME" , 6); DrawString( 5,11,"HENKA" , 5); DrawString( 5,13,"SOKUDO" , 6); DrawString( 5,15,"HOUHOU" , 6); DrawString( 5,17,"HANI" , 4); DrawString( 5,19,"SHUHASU" , 7); DrawString( 5,21,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 9) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && duty < 3 ) { duty++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && duty > 0 ) { duty--; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { onkyo = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { onkyo = 0; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && vol < 15 ) { vol++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && vol > 0 ) { vol--; } break; case 4: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { henka = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { henka = 0; } break; case 5: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && sokudo < 7 ) { sokudo++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && sokudo > 0 ) { sokudo--; } break; case 6: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { houhou = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { houhou = 0; } break; case 7: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && hani < 7 ) { hani++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && hani > 0 ) { hani--; } break; case 8: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1000 ) { shuhasu-=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 100 ) { shuhasu-=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 10 ) { shuhasu-=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1 ) { shuhasu-=1; } break; case 9: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 63 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag1 = duty << 6; flag1 |= counter << 5; flag1 |= onkyo << 4; flag1 |= vol; flag2 = henka << 7; flag2 |= sokudo << 4; flag2 |= houhou << 3; flag2 |= hani; SetChannel(0x00); SetSquare(0,flag1,flag2); SetChannel(0x01); PlaySquare(0,shuhasu,time); DrawHexdecimal(12, 23, flag1); DrawHexdecimal(18, 23, flag2 ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, duty , 3); DrawNumMax(19, 5, counter, 1); DrawNumMax(19, 7, onkyo , 1); DrawNumMax(19, 9, vol ,15); DrawNumMax(19,11, henka , 1); DrawNumMax(19,13, sokudo , 7); DrawNumMax(19,15, houhou , 1); DrawNumMax(19,17, hani , 7); DrawNumber(19,19, shuhasu ); DrawNumMax(19,21, time ,63); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Triangle() { static char top; static char counter; static char length ,time; static unsigned int shuhasu; char flag; if (! init) { top = 0; counter = 0; length = 0; time = 0; shuhasu = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 5,"LENGTH" , 6); DrawString( 5, 7,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 5, 9,"SHUHASU" , 7); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 3) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && length < 127 ) { length++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && length > 0 ) { length--; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 31 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1000 ) { shuhasu-=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 100 ) { shuhasu-=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 10 ) { shuhasu-=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1 ) { shuhasu-=1; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag = counter << 7; flag |= length; SetChannel(0x00); SetTriangle(flag); SetChannel(0x04); PlayTriangle(shuhasu,time); DrawHexdecimal(15, 23, flag ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, counter, 1); DrawNumLen(19, 5, length,127); DrawNumMax(19, 7, time ,31); DrawNumber(19, 9, shuhasu ); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Noise() { static char top; static char counter; static char onkyo, volume, ransu, rate, time; char flag; if (! init) { top = 0; counter = 0; onkyo = 0; volume = 0; ransu = 0; rate = 0; time = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 5,"ONKYO" , 5); DrawString( 5, 7,"VOLUME" , 6); DrawString( 5, 9,"RANSU" , 5); DrawString( 5,11,"RATE" , 4); DrawString( 5,13,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 5) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { onkyo = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { onkyo = 0; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && volume < 15 ) { volume++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && volume > 0 ) { volume--; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { ransu = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { ransu = 0; } break; case 4: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && rate < 15 ) { rate++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && rate > 0 ) { rate--; } break; case 5: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 31 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag = counter << 5; flag = onkyo << 4; flag |= volume; SetChannel(0x00); SetNoise(flag); DrawHexdecimal(12, 23, flag ); flag = ransu << 7; flag |= rate; SetChannel(0x08); PlayNoise(flag,time); DrawHexdecimal(18, 23, flag ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, counter, 1); DrawNumMax(19, 5, onkyo , 1); DrawNumMax(19, 7, volume ,15); DrawNumMax(19, 9, ransu , 1); DrawNumMax(19,11, rate ,15); DrawNumMax(19,13, time ,31); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Title() { static char top; if (! init) { top = 0; ClearScreen(); SetChannel(0x00); DrawString( 5, 3,"SQUARE" , 6); DrawString( 5, 5,"TRIANGLE" , 8); DrawString( 5, 7,"NOISE" , 5); init = 1; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 2) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_A ) || ButtonPush(0, BTN_START ) ) { init = 0; switch (top) { case 0: menu = menuSQUARE; break; case 1: menu = menuTRIANGLE; break; case 2: menu = menuNOISE; break; } } } // メイン処理 void NesMain() { const char palettebg[] = { 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30 }; const char palettesp[] = { 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30 }; InitPPU(); SetPalette((char *)palettebg,0); SetPalette((char *)palettesp,1); SetPPU(0x08,0x1e); menu = menuTITLE; init = 0; while (1) { CheckPad(); if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_START) && ButtonPush(0, BTN_SELECT) ) { init = 0; menu = menuTITLE; } switch (menu) { case menuTITLE: Title(); break; case menuSQUARE: Square(); break; case menuTRIANGLE: Triangle(); break; case menuNOISE: Noise(); break; } } } //NMI割り込み void NMIProc(void){} }}}
-&color(red){雛形2}を使用します。 -短形波・三角波・ノイズの設定と再生を行います。 -STARTを押しながらSELECTでタイトルに戻ります。 -各項目で左右を押すと値が増減します。 -SHUHASUはSELECT・A・Bいずれかのボタンを押しながら左右を押すと増分値が変わります。 -SHUHASUには以下の内容を設定します。 --矩形波:1790000/ (周波数 * 32 - 1) ・・・「ラ」(440hz)を鳴らそうと思えば127になります --三角波:1790000/ (周波数 * 64 - 1) ・・・多分。 -STARTを押すと音が鳴り、フラグの内容が16進数で表示されます。&br()ゲームを開発する際にフラグとshuhasu、timeの値を指定すれば同じ音を鳴らすことができます。 #highlight(c){{{ #include <kihon.h> #include <kanade.h> #define DMA (char*)0x0700 typedef enum { menuTITLE = 0, menuSQUARE = 1, menuTRIANGLE = 2, menuNOISE = 3, } emenu; emenu menu; char init; void ClearScreen() { unsigned char i,first,pos[2]; first = 1; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { SetDMA( DMA,first, 0, 240, 0, 0); first = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { GetBackgroundAddress(0, 0, i, pos); VBlank(); FillBackground(*(pos + 0),*(pos + 1),0,32); SetScroll( 0, 0 ); } } void DrawString(char x, char y,char *str,char len) { char pos[2]; GetBackgroundAddress(0, x, y, pos); VBlank(); SetBackground(*(pos + 0), *(pos + 1), str, len); SetScroll( 0, 0 ); } void DrawHexdecimal(char x, char y,char val) { char ret1, ret2, str[1]; ret2 = val % 16; ret1 = (val - ret2) / 16; if (ret1 < 10) { str[0] = ret1 + 0x30; } else { str[0] = ret1 + 0x37; } DrawString(x , y, str, 1); if (ret2 < 10) { str[0] = ret2 + 0x30; } else { str[0] = ret2 + 0x37; } DrawString(x + 1, y, str, 1); } void DrawArrow(char y) { SetDMA( DMA,1, 30, (y * 2 + 3) * 8 - 1, 0x40, 0); } void DrawNumMax(char x, char y, char val, char max) { char wrk; wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 0) * 8, y * 8, (val - wrk) / 10 + 0x30, 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 1) * 8, y * 8, wrk + 0x30 , 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 2) * 8, y * 8, 0x5c , 0); wrk = max % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 3) * 8, y * 8, (max - wrk) / 10 + 0x30, 0); SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 4) * 8, y * 8, wrk + 0x30 , 0); } void DrawNumLen(char x, char y, char val, char max) { unsigned char wrk; signed char i; for (i=2; i>=0; i--) { wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); val /= 10; } SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + 3) * 8, y * 8, 0x5c , 0); for (i=2; i>=0; i--) { wrk = max % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i + 4) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); max /= 10; } } void DrawNumber(char x, char y, int val) { unsigned int wrk; signed char i; for (i=6; i>=0; i--) { wrk = val % 10; SetDMA( DMA,0, (x + i) * 8, y * 8, 0x30 + wrk, 0); val /= 10; } } void Square() { char flag1,flag2; static char top ; static char duty ,counter,onkyo ,vol ; static char henka ,sokudo ,houhou,hani; static char time ; static unsigned int shuhasu; if (! init) { top = 0; duty = 0; counter = 0; onkyo = 0; vol = 0; henka = 0; sokudo = 0; houhou = 0; hani = 0; time = 0; shuhasu = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"DUTY" , 4); DrawString( 5, 5,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 7,"ONKYO" , 5); DrawString( 5, 9,"VOLUME" , 6); DrawString( 5,11,"HENKA" , 5); DrawString( 5,13,"SOKUDO" , 6); DrawString( 5,15,"HOUHOU" , 6); DrawString( 5,17,"HANI" , 4); DrawString( 5,19,"SHUHASU" , 7); DrawString( 5,21,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 9) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && duty < 3 ) { duty++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && duty > 0 ) { duty--; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { onkyo = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { onkyo = 0; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && vol < 15 ) { vol++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && vol > 0 ) { vol--; } break; case 4: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { henka = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { henka = 0; } break; case 5: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && sokudo < 7 ) { sokudo++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && sokudo > 0 ) { sokudo--; } break; case 6: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { houhou = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { houhou = 0; } break; case 7: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && hani < 7 ) { hani++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && hani > 0 ) { hani--; } break; case 8: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1000 ) { shuhasu-=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 100 ) { shuhasu-=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 10 ) { shuhasu-=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1 ) { shuhasu-=1; } break; case 9: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 63 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag1 = duty << 6; flag1 |= counter << 5; flag1 |= onkyo << 4; flag1 |= vol; flag2 = henka << 7; flag2 |= sokudo << 4; flag2 |= houhou << 3; flag2 |= hani; SetChannel(0x00); SetSquare(0,flag1,flag2); SetChannel(0x01); PlaySquare(0,shuhasu,time); DrawHexdecimal(12, 23, flag1); DrawHexdecimal(18, 23, flag2 ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, duty , 3); DrawNumMax(19, 5, counter, 1); DrawNumMax(19, 7, onkyo , 1); DrawNumMax(19, 9, vol ,15); DrawNumMax(19,11, henka , 1); DrawNumMax(19,13, sokudo , 7); DrawNumMax(19,15, houhou , 1); DrawNumMax(19,17, hani , 7); DrawNumber(19,19, shuhasu ); DrawNumMax(19,21, time ,63); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Triangle() { static char top; static char counter; static char length ,time; static unsigned int shuhasu; char flag; if (! init) { top = 0; counter = 0; length = 0; time = 0; shuhasu = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 5,"LENGTH" , 6); DrawString( 5, 7,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 5, 9,"SHUHASU" , 7); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 3) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && length < 127 ) { length++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && length > 0 ) { length--; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 31 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_SELECT) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1000 ) { shuhasu-=1000; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_B ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 100 ) { shuhasu-=100; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_A ) && ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 10 ) { shuhasu-=10; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { shuhasu+=1; } else if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && shuhasu >= 1 ) { shuhasu-=1; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag = counter << 7; flag |= length; SetChannel(0x00); SetTriangle(flag); SetChannel(0x04); PlayTriangle(shuhasu,time); DrawHexdecimal(15, 23, flag ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, counter, 1); DrawNumLen(19, 5, length,127); DrawNumMax(19, 7, time ,31); DrawNumber(19, 9, shuhasu ); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Noise() { static char top; static char counter; static char onkyo, volume, ransu, rate, time; char flag; if (! init) { top = 0; counter = 0; onkyo = 0; volume = 0; ransu = 0; rate = 0; time = 0; ClearScreen(); DrawString( 5, 3,"COUNTER" , 7); DrawString( 5, 5,"ONKYO" , 5); DrawString( 5, 7,"VOLUME" , 6); DrawString( 5, 9,"RANSU" , 5); DrawString( 5,11,"RATE" , 4); DrawString( 5,13,"TIME" , 4); DrawString( 7,26,"PUSH START" ,10); DrawString(17,26," TO PLAY" , 9); init = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 5) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); switch (top) { case 0: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { counter = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { counter = 0; } break; case 1: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { onkyo = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { onkyo = 0; } break; case 2: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && volume < 15 ) { volume++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && volume > 0 ) { volume--; } break; case 3: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) ) { ransu = 1; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) ) { ransu = 0; } break; case 4: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && rate < 15 ) { rate++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && rate > 0 ) { rate--; } break; case 5: if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_RIGHT ) && time < 31 ) { time++; } if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_LEFT ) && time > 0 ) { time--; } break; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_START) ) { flag = counter << 5; flag = onkyo << 4; flag |= volume; SetChannel(0x00); SetNoise(flag); DrawHexdecimal(12, 23, flag ); flag = ransu << 7; flag |= rate; SetChannel(0x08); PlayNoise(flag,time); DrawHexdecimal(18, 23, flag ); } DrawNumMax(19, 3, counter, 1); DrawNumMax(19, 5, onkyo , 1); DrawNumMax(19, 7, volume ,15); DrawNumMax(19, 9, ransu , 1); DrawNumMax(19,11, rate ,15); DrawNumMax(19,13, time ,31); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); } void Title() { static char top; if (! init) { top = 0; ClearScreen(); SetChannel(0x00); DrawString( 5, 3,"SQUARE" , 6); DrawString( 5, 5,"TRIANGLE" , 8); DrawString( 5, 7,"NOISE" , 5); init = 1; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_UP ) && top > 0) { top--; } if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_DOWN) && top < 2) { top++; } DrawArrow(top); VBlank(); SendDMA(7); if ( ButtonPush(0, BTN_A ) || ButtonPush(0, BTN_START ) ) { init = 0; switch (top) { case 0: menu = menuSQUARE; break; case 1: menu = menuTRIANGLE; break; case 2: menu = menuNOISE; break; } } } // メイン処理 void NesMain() { const char palettebg[] = { 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30 }; const char palettesp[] = { 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x21, 0x30, 0x30 }; InitPPU(); SetPalette((char *)palettebg,0); SetPalette((char *)palettesp,1); SetPPU(0x08,0x1e); menu = menuTITLE; init = 0; while (1) { CheckPad(); if ( ButtonDown(0, BTN_START) && ButtonPush(0, BTN_SELECT) ) { init = 0; menu = menuTITLE; } switch (menu) { case menuTITLE: Title(); break; case menuSQUARE: Square(); break; case menuTRIANGLE: Triangle(); break; case menuNOISE: Noise(); break; } } } //NMI割り込み void NMIProc(void){} }}}

